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Good and Bad Effects of Technology - Essay Example

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The paper "Good and Bad Effects of Technology" states that present-day society cannot imagine the world without computers, mobile phones, or other technological devices that people use every day. Technology becomes an essential part of our life and performs a great role in people’s daily affairs…
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Good and Bad Effects of Technology
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People can connect for a few seconds and transform the information to any distance. For the modern society that is always busy and in need of a quick and easy way of exchanging information, it is a huge advantage. Shopping, banking, game playing, and messaging is considered to be highly popular service today, that are used to make people’s life easier and more interesting.

On the other hand, all these services may isolate a person from real life. The matter is that technologies may become an enormous part of people’s lives and lead to unpleasant implications (SlideShares, 2012). There are a lot of examples when a person spends hours in front of his/her computer and occurred to be isolated from society and his/her close people. That may cause some psychological problems and evoke depression.

One more important point is people’s communication. Modern society uses messaging, phone calls, and e-mails for the sake of quick and comfortable social interactions (SlideShares, 2012).  That is considered to be rather a convenient way of communication that allows one to be connected with family, friends, and colleagues whenever and wherever a person wants.

However, mobile and internet communication leads to a lack of face-to-face interactions. That is remained to be a serious problem in modern society as it may cause problems with family and friends. Communication through technology may evoke misunderstandings and reduce people’s desire for face-to-face communication.

In addition, it is important to mention the question of getting information from technological devices. Television and the internet are regarded as huge services for presenting information to the entire world. People may find any data they need and update the latest news with the help of technology. That helps people to be informed and familiar with any fact they like.

Nevertheless, such wide access to information may lead to overloading or embroilment of a person. Moreover, sources of information are prone to obtrusion and imposition of someone’s opinion and a person can make decisions due to alien will.

Taking all facts under consideration, it is significant to admit that technologies represent several positive and negative implications for society. Undoubtedly, technological progress makes people’s lives more convenient and comfortable. Today everyone has access to social interactions and information through technology. Moreover, they play an important role in entertainment for people. Still, they isolate people from face-to-face communication and may influence people’s decisions due to a huge number of questions. Read More
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“Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words - 16”, n.d.
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