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Creative and Critical Thinking Questions - Assignment Example

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Can the study of neurology explain the delusions of grandeur? How is it possible for a person to think he or she is a mix of two people when actually he is just a different person from anyone else? …
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Creative and Critical Thinking Questions
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Do the right and left hemispheres have interchanging roles? What are the functions of the four lobes? What is the best way to categorize visual memory and analysis? What are the differences of functions among the four lobes? Is there a functional relationship between thalamus and hypothalamus? What does the delusion of consciousness mean? When a person is intellectually analyzing a situation, which part of the brain is majorly utilized? How can a person understand that a part of the brain responsible for understanding that something is wrong with it?

What happens in the cortex as it inhibits the sexual urges towards a mother? What is the best diagnosis to know a person suffering from Oedipus Complex of Freud? What did Ramachandran imply when he said that the brain can contemplate the vastness of interstellar space (Ramachandran 00:11)? How can a person make sense out of not being able to even recognize his or herself? What part of the brain’s lobes is responsible for interpretation and auditory reception? What process does the brain take to separate auditory and visual senses?

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