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Organization Theory and Design - Essay Example

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Sharing of information is useful in promoting the communication and collaboration process and allows every member of an organization…
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Organization Theory and Design
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Furthermore, the use of shared information allows managers to do a significant job of opening up the communication channels in order to allow the flow of collective ideas. The sharing of information can supposedly be connected to the other elements within an organization such as task, structure, culture, and even strategy. In terms of structure, critical information concerning an organization has continuously been held by the top executives since Adam Smith’s time. Nevertheless, most organizations were also structured in a vertical manner in order to enhance the development of skills, as well as efficient productions.

Such a form of authority provided a very sensible design for supervision and made it quite easier to enhance the level of control in large organizations (Cachon & Fisher, 2013). Strategies were meant to be formulated by the top management team before being imposed on the employees. To sum up, critical decisions related to how learning organizations respond to their competitors as well as efficient use of resources was enforced by executives. With shared information, every worker in a learning organization becomes a great contributor to the success of the organization.

A stakeholder is defined as any individual interested in the operation of an organization, as well as its financial aspects and prospects. Their interests can vary from one organization to the other. However, the biggest difference can be observed between for-profit and nonprofit organizations. For instance, stakeholders interested in a nonprofit organization would expect the managers to concentrate their efforts more on developing a lasting impact in the society, rather than making extraneous profit at the expense of the consumer (Moore, 2000).

Thus, the expectations of the stakeholder would be to improve the quality of services offered to the nonpaying clients, instead of spending much capital in improving

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