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Motivation and Performance Factors for Bombay Palace - Essay Example

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This paper 'Motivation and Performance Factors for Bombay Palace' tells us that the motivation employees key issue that is facing ev y organization. It is the responsibility of every leader in an organ organization to ensure employees are motivated and also create area conducive environment for them in the workplace…
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Motivation and Performance Factors for Bombay Palace
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Motivation cannot be understated as it is always a key ingredient to help an organization in achieving its goals issuing of instructions there well and candy (Marginson 1986). A manager first has to understand he has the right team and after it is when he should ensure that the team is motivated stop they focus on objective goals too motivate employees depends on very different isonda cannot be for one department like the human resource but the whole organization It is thus important to understand all humans have different needs and maybe motivated in different ways but one of the most important tasks to ensure it is done (Alous 2002). Strong needs in directing and satisfying latent needs in employees harness them in a manner that is functional for the organization.

For motivation to successfully implement the factors that trigger motivation should be identified and analyzed properly. The goal here is to identify the causes of motivation and not the symptoms and this will ensure proper diagnosis. (Peter2000). If the management is successful it needs first to identify the goals and involve all the key stakeholders in the hotel. The  stakeholders include the management of the hotel, the employees, and also the customers who will be served by these employees.

In various organizations in India today, employee performance is most wanting; many are demoralized and lack motivation (Coventry 1992).  Several work just to earn their daily bread and move on in life. The rewards that the employee receives motivate him to work even harder as his efforts are being recognized and appreciated. When the management of an organization rewards the employee it acquires a comparative advantage over other organizations, hence it may lead to its superiority over the other organizations. Extreme benefits are the extra items given by the company to workers in addition to salary to make up for the low pay. 
   Motivation has proved to be one of the major contributors to the high performance and sustainer of the organization's successs. Motivation may be a form of compensation that is either financial or non financial whose ultimate aim is to motivate employees in the organization.

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