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The Analysis of the Business Ethics - Essay Example

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The paper "The Analysis of the Business Ethics" states that the author would consider a solution that would not harm the smokers and at the same time nonsmokers like Darlene. We all know that there is not any law that bans smoking because it is human freedom to indulge in any vice or pastime…
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The Analysis of the Business Ethics
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Thus, the best thing Charles Renfold should do would be to first ask Frank and Alice if they would not mind smoking in another area and bring up Darlene’s concern about the smell of old smoke and being under the weather. If they would not mind doing so in relation to the knowledge of the report being urgent and Darlene not feeling quite well, then the case is closed. However, if Frank and Alice push for their right while Darlene confesses how she cannot stand it, then it would be best for Charles to do it on his own if he wishes to reach the deadline.

With this situation causing a delay in work outputs that are asked of each employee, I think there is a need to implement a specialized rule on smoking within their company. Aside from allocating an area for smokers to smoke, it would be good to know if there are employees who might be sensitive to old smoke fumes. If there are, including Darlene, it would be wise to transfer them into a nonsmoker room wherein they would not get distracted or feel ill about inhaling old smoke that affects their productivity at work.

This decision is wise as it does not only respect the rights of nonsmokers but at the same time for smokers as well, thus, preventing rallies or ill feelings in the office. This case of Darlene being given leeway for reaching deadlines or being assigned to a certain job output is reasonable because of a health-related reason which associates the smell of old smoke to her feeling ill. We all know that even though Darlene does not inhale direct smoke coming from Alice and Frank’s cigarettes, the smoke fume that sticks to their bodies or clothes can still cause this uncomfortable feeling for nonsmokers especially Darlene.

However, if what bothers Darlene is not old smoke but the smell of Alice’s perfume or Frank’s body odour, then it is a whole different story. This is because of the fact that there should not be any discrimination done towards people’s looks, their style, preferences in perfume, or more so their body odour. Everyone has the right to belong to a company and work for them as long as they are able to deliver on their demands. And if there are other employees who cannot stand these varieties of people packages, then it is not an issue of Alice or Frank, in this case, but of Darlene, whether she could sacrifice to stay in her job or if it is so much of a big deal for her that it would be best for her to quit.

If it is a company that really supports preserving our world through a total ban of smoking on all its company grounds, then it is reasonable to do so. This is just like taking a step as a company to exercise corporate social responsibility such as promoting clean air by banning smokers from smoking inside the company. After all, smokers are not totally denied their right to smoke because no one forced them into working for such a company. They are still entitled to their freedom to smoke whenever they want by choosing a different company to work for.

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