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Managing in ContemporaryTimes - Essay Example

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Managing in Contemporary Times Introduction Behavior and attitude of people varies from a person to person. It is true that behavior and attitude cannot be similar for all. Personality is the specific combination of behavioral, attitudinal and emotional response pattern of an individual…
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Managing in ContemporaryTimes
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Discussion Doug Ivester was appointed as a CEO of the Coca Cola Company for a shorter period of time. This part of the essay will discuss about the impact of personality of Doug Ivester on the entire organizational culture with the help of The Big Five Personality Trait Model. Big Five Personality Trait The Big Five Personality Traits are referred as five broad dimensions or domains of personality of an individual that are utilized to describe the personality of several human beings in the field of psychology.

These particular five factors are openness, extraversion, agreeableness, emotional stability and conscientiousness. Openness is the particular dimension that includes having broad interest, and being insightful and imaginative to new experiences. Openness is the degree to which an individual has a wide range of interest, creativity and innovation (Jones & George, 2008). The wide dimension of extraversion includes various specific traits, such as energetic, talkative and assertive. This extraversion characteristic also includes the characteristic of self-preference, individuality and dominance.

Agreeableness dimension includes several specific traits, such as kind, affectionate and sympathetic. . It is better to have a leader with less positive traits and none negative traits. Negative traits act as the constraint for a leader to return back to the position the leader was famous for. Several personality traits define the characteristic and personality of the managers or leaders in the organization. It is true that all the leaders and managers follow different leadership style to manage workplace environment and business performance of the organization.

Different leadership highly depends upon the different personality traits of the managers and leaders. Therefore, different personality traits can impact on the organizational culture differently. Following example will help the reader to understand the impact of personality of a leader on entire organizational culture. Impact on Coca Cola’s Organizational Culture It is discussed earlier that Doug Ivester was appointed as a CEO of the Coca Cola Company for a shorter period of time. It is clear from above discussion that the dimension of extraversion includes various traits, such as talkative, assertive and energetic that defines the personality of a leader.

The personality of Doug Ivester was the example of opposite of the extraversion dimension. He served the organization for a shorter period of time. He had a low degree both extrovert and dominant. He was known to be very reserved person in several situations (Alkahtani, Abu-jarad, Sulaiman & Nikbin, 2011). In addition to this, he did not have the desire to motivate others. He was only concerned about strategy development, strategy implementation and focusing on the performance of the strategies.

He never understood the significance of interpersonal relationship with the employees of various departments. In

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