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Mannerism and Post Impressionism - Essay Example

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The focus of this essay is on mannerism and post-impressionism. The mannerism era in Europe took place between the times of High Renaissance and Baroque approximately 1510-20 to 1600. Mannerism was described as manierismo by Luigi Lanzi in Storia pittorica Italia…
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Mannerism and Post Impressionism
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Visual arts and film studies: Mannerism and Post impressionism College Mannerism and Post-Impressionism Mannerism The mannerism era in Europe took place between the times of High Renaissance and Baroque approximately 1510-20 to 1600(Wundram, n.d).Mannerism was described as manierismo by Luigi Lanzi in Storia pittorica Italia (1972).He further used this word to explain the depraved Italian paintings that sprung after Michelangelo, Raphael, Correggio, Titan (Bury, n,d).Nevertheless, the approach quit from the harmonious rules of High Renaissance. Mannerism art was profoundly influenced by historical events. The Martin Luther Reformation movement that started in 1517, while counter-Reformation started during the era of the Council of Trent in 1545.In essence, the Protestant movement, for instance challenged the deep-seated Catholic dogmas, as well as the powerful impact of the Church of Rome diminished throughout Europe. The Sack of Rome, in 1527, saw the start of the moral diminishing and glorification of sensuality and luxury. On the other hand, the 1524-5 Peasant Wars led to the disintegration of German social structure. New World inventions of the late 15th century and early 16th century had an influence on the Christian West. The heliocentric planetary system of Copernicus, in science was accepted. Thus, the different kinds of mannerist art developed against these considerable events (Wundram, n.d). Generally, mannerist evolved since it reflected the grave doubts on “the classical principles, normative proportions, and lucid space of the High Renaissance” (Wundram, n.d). Mannerist art began movement as an artistic concern in 16th century sculpture and painting. Thus, paintings like the Assumption of the Virgin or the deposition and Entombment indicate the passage of time (Wundram, n.d).In addition; mannerist technique also developed a style to differentiate between the divine and the earthly. From the painting line controlling color accepted in the 15th century, the line art was substituted with delicate intonation of tone. The types were less tangible and clearly defined. Generally, line art appealed to the intellect however color appealed to the emotions (Wundram, n.d).During the era of Renaissance, space was clearly described in architecture and art. Nevertheless, in Mannerism, borders were blurred and “no clear surface to act as a point of reference for the projecting and receding architectural elements” (Wundram, n.d). Immediately as the space in architecture and painting began to cease, the individual art forms were combined. It was feasible to make use of a combination of sculptural, architectural and painting elements as Correggio did when he decorated the Camera de S Paolo at the monastery of S Paolo in Parma(c 1519)(Wundram,n.d).Subjective and anti-classicism expression was characteristic of mannerist paintings. A key component was the distortion of the human figure to make it more communicative. Generally, the art theory during the mannerist period “was concerned with aesthetic problems instead of the empirical problems of anatomy, proportion and perspective” (Wundram, n.d). Post-Impressionism Post-impressionism can be described as “a rejection of the Impressionists’ concern for the naturalistic depiction of light and color in favor of an emphasis on abstract qualities or symbolic content”(Boyle-Turner,n.d).The technique comprises of Neo-Impressionism, cloisonnism, synthetism and symbolism(Boyle-Turner,n.d).The phrase Post-Impressionism was first used by Roger Fry in 1910 to provide a title to a Manet exhibition in Grafton Galleries in London. The differentiating attribute of the artists characterized in this era, according to Fry was “the markedly Classic spirit of their work and clarified that they did not seek to mimic natural forms but to create form”(Thomson,n.d).The term post-Impressionism would later be used by Clive Bell as equal to “ anti-Impressionism and denoted a conscious shift away from representation”(Thomson n.d).Prominent post-impressionist artists comprise of Van Gogh, Cezanne and Gauguin. Prior to the arrival of the Modern Art Movement, 19th century Europe had brutal political turmoil like, the in 1870 Franco-Prussian war, the 1789 French Revolution, the 1861 Italian external and internal struggles, Germany’s ultimate unification 10 years later and the Russian revolution were only instances of the events that shaped Europe (Roberts, 1962, p.347).Thus, there were transformations in the social hierarchy, with the middle class becoming a force to reckon with, ideals whereas the 19th century principles discarded aristocracy. The rising 19th century consciousness also challenged the independence of monarchs. The 19th century saw the start of the Industrial Revolution which eventually brought transformations in the economics, family structure, population, consumption patterns and labor. The British economy was also transformed by industrialization to become one of the most powerful in the world. Similarly the US was a potential powerful nation after assumed economic and political dominance in several parts of the world. Thus, with these worldwide events, Modern Art Movement or Modernism appeared, starting in the 19th century till mid-20th century. It was the artist’s expression of rebellion against conventional concepts and techniques prevalent from the Renaissance era. The Modern Art Movement therefore was a response of modernists against Romanticism although they derive their artistic standards from the past. Painters, artists in particular are of the opinion that “realism (was not) truthful enough. It seemed to belong to this want that color (was not) allowed speak out clearly and frankly and that it was being swathed more and more in the neutral shading and shadows” (Greenberg, 1980).Thus Modernism anchored the movement on the essential thoughts of Enlightenment. Reason or rational thinking is the utmost working of mental faculty and the only objective form. Science can discern knowledge or truth. Reason is the final judge of what was true, alongside, what is good and right. Artistic freedom turned out to be essential to modernists and claimed that art should be produced for the art’s sake and not public’s sake. Post-Impressionism is the “reassertation of the artist’s role and the clearer demarcation of distance from the subject-be the subject an aspect of nature or an imaginary invention. At the same time, though, to variable degrees, the distinction between preparatory and finished work was once more made clear”(Thomas n.d).A key advocate of post-Impression, Vincent Van Gogh, went on to follow the art for the sake of the art principle. Though he did not punch features into several of his works they nevertheless exuded a wealth of symbolic interpretation. For instance, “Starry Night”, the church in the painting was done in ‘white wash’ and the illumination of the stars did not reach it. The “whitewashed wall” of a church was used by Van Gogh, particularly its interior, as a representation of clerical hypocrisy”(Erickson,1998,p.65). Relationship between the Two Historical Art Periods Both techniques left the principles and techniques of past eras. Both eras, historically, were turbulent. Mannerist thrived amidst the growing Reformation movement of Luther, while post-Impressionism expanded amidst the emergence of US and Britain as economic powers after the destruction of the World War 1 as well as the Great Depression. In addition, both techniques rebelled against conventional standards and aesthetic techniques. Post-Impressionism was a refusal of Impressionism and the “first to renounce all illusion of reality on principle and to express its outlook on life by the deliberate deformation of natural objects” (Hauser, 1958, p.229). Gerard David’s “The Deposition” and Van Gogh’s “Starry Nights” had spiritual themes though in different perspectives. For instance, Van Gogh rendered the skies and swirling stars as imitations of the night skies at St.Remy. Thus, some critics construe this rendering technique to refer to his sense of connection with the heavens. The violent swirls alluded to inner turmoil he was experiencing simultaneously. On the other hand, David’s “Deposition” considerably impacted by the Antwerp Mannerist movement also exhibited sacred themes, though in the context of the Reformation Movement rising during this era. The interpretation of David focused on the Virgin Mother as well as her fallen son. The luxurious texture together with polychromatic expressions demonstrated the religious devotion of the Reformation Movement. Whereas, both works appeared spiritual in nature, Van Gogh’s painting looked more personal in nature. Thus, Starry Nights put more emphasis on his exceptional and personal relationship with a higher being. Van Gogh painted Starry Nights in 1889 while in a refuge in saint Remy. The painting shows exaggerated characteristics that commoners could relate to, with free flowing curvatures and a settling horizon. Several are of the belief that 11 stars presented are in relation to the passage of Genesis 37:9.All impressionist ideas regarding the impact of color involved with light and the night, and analysis were discarded by Vincent Van Gogh. The paintings from both eras may have the same intentions, which was to distract the existing inclinations of tradition. Thus, even the styles used to express the sentiments of these artists also reflected the Reformation Movement was acquiring grounds in Europe. In the meantime, post-Impressionism reasserts the responsibility of the artist in their works. Thus, the more personal context could be seen in Van Gogh’s “Starry Nights.” Difference in Mannerism and Post-Impressionism The 2 pieces of art above have many differences that make them exceptional and beautiful in their own way. Mannerism has a big amount of detail in the human features and anatomy, while post-impressions focus more on the usage of color to provide the impression of warmth and movement. Mannerism art comprises lines that are dynamic and provides pragmatic lifelike features by use of pastel color scheme as well as idealistic lighting. Post Impression mirrors fleeting moments life by use of bold intense colors that has an artistic sense. These two kind of styles of art opened windows of opportunity for artist to explore spiritual and emotional art by revolting against limitations key impacts to the creation of Expressionism, Cubists and Fauvism. References Bury, M. (n.d.). Mannerism. In H. Brigstocke (ed) The Oxford Companion to Western Art. Oxford Art Online. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from Erickson, K.P. (1998). At Eternitys Gate: The Spiritual Vision of Vincent Van Gogh. Grand Rapids, MI.: W.B. Eerdmans. Greenberg, C. (1980). Modern and Postmodern. Arts, 54 (6). Retrieved from Hauser, A. (1958). The Social History of Art. Volume: 4. New York: Vintage Books. Roberts, V.M.(1962). On Stage a History of Theatre. New York: Harper & Row. Thomson, B. (n.d.). Post-Impressionism. In H.Brigstocke (ed) The Oxford Companion to Western Art. Ed. Hugh Brigstocke. Oxford Art Online. Oxford University Press. Web. 4 Aug Boyle-Turner, C. (n.d.). Post-Impressionism. Grove Art Online. Oxford Art Online. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from Wundram, M. (n.d.). Mannerism. Grove Art Online. Oxford Art Online. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from Read More
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