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Cloud Gate by Mr. Anish Kapoor - Essay Example

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In the paper “Cloud Gate by Mr. Anish Kapoor” the author analyzes Cloud Gate (2004 – 2006), highly polished steel plates, which is an Art work by Mr. Anish Kapoor. The art work is 3D in nature and is a representational abstract Art work…
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Cloud Gate by Mr. Anish Kapoor
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Cloud Gate (2004-2006) 168 highly polished steel plates, Millennium Park, Chicago, IL Cloud Gate (2004 – 2006) highly polished steel plates, is an Art work by Mr. Anish Kapoor. The art work is 3D in nature and is a representational abstract Art work. The work of art is titled “The Bean” for the reason that it has a bean looking shape. The work of art is 33ft by 66ft by 42ft and it weighs 110 short tons. Mr. Anish Kapoor is an Indian Artist; who is famous for his sculptor work. He has studied arts and have lived and worked in London for over 30 years.

One of his most famous and known piece of arts is the sculptor outside of Millennium Park; constructed in 2 years between 2004 and 2006. Media The Artist has used stainless steel as the medium of art. The artist has welded up about 168 pieces of stainless steel to make on giant work of art. Stainless steel is an alloy of iron; which cannot be stained but it loses it color and shows finger prints. The chromium in mixed in the alloy to make hard oxide coating on the surface; without the coating it becomes rust liker regular steel.

The substance is hard and can be molded into any shape. The artist has molded 168 small pieces according to his requirements and then joined them to form one big piece of art called “The Bean” Analysis The piece of art is placed at one of the most prime locations of Chicago; the reflective exterior would mirror the Chicago skyline; whereas its oval shape would twist and distort the image which is reflected; whereas, if a visitor would walk, the surface acts looks like a mirror of any funhouse as it reshapes the images.

The underneath of the sculptor act as an indention whose mirror surface would provide numerous reflections of the subject situated below them. Artist did not use any computer to model the sculptor that created issues with regard to the sustainability of the art work.. Interpretation Sculptor is a form of art that is to create representational or abstract form, which can be of any shape. These form of arts does not tell a story; and the diversity in art is bought by the material and shapes used.

The piece under discussion is also a creation of mind, a piece that was build to define another image which is large in magnitude and has a high impact on the visitors. Evaluation Art is in the mind; these are ideas which are interpreted and then designed. Sculptor art is the most difficult art form; and if we include the size they represent a high level of imaginations. These form of arts does not represents the shape that was originally set in the mid of the artist; and with time the shape and requirements can change as well.

The form of art under study is one of those examples where high imagination has been converted to reality. I believe it is great work and only qualified artist can create such an image. Bibliography Anynomous. "Gordon Calder." 2013. Flicker. 2014. Feild, Anne. "Stainless Steel Characteristics." 2003. Michegan State University. 2014.

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