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Asnwer all the questions on the paper after reading and watching some materials - Essay Example

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The movie is a story that brings about the truth in the lives of people on a large scale around the world among different races and brings about rich symbolisms that…
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Asnwer all the questions on the paper after reading and watching some materials
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Semiotic Investigation on the Movie ‘Babel’ Full Babel presents the lives of four different groups of people representing the different groups all over the world. The movie is a story that brings about the truth in the lives of people on a large scale around the world among different races and brings about rich symbolisms that could be interpreted differently depending on one’s family, educational and or cultural background. Being full of drama, the movie presents images where semiotic decoding and investigation could be well drawn.

The title itself has many messages and tells the theme of the story, that people around the world somehow are linked with each other despite differences in color, language, religion and culture. As explained in Genesis 11:9 from the Bible where the title was drawn, Babel is where God confused the people who once had one language. In the entirety of the movie, confusions abound, a fact that one cannot deny is in abundance in lives around the world regardless of age, status, gender, education or political beliefs and affiliations.

Richard and Susan, the couple who went on vacation to Morocco, trying to mend the damages their loss of their child brought to their marriage show many symbolisms in their character. For instance, in their attempt to get over the loss of their child, one would wonder why they chose Morocco. Whether it was planned well or not is not the issue, but the message the director wanted to send to viewers. One hypothesis could be the intensity of the emotions of the couple which they were not able to express, could be well displayed in their choice of place.

It could also symbolize the state they are in, with their love for each other still hot however is drying out because of the confusions they are going through with the loss of their child. Their choice could also be interpreted in accordance to general observations that, when a person is troubled, he usually makes hasty decisions which usually leads to more problems.Ideological Investigation: Inventory values, beliefs and ideas communicated The character of Chieko, the deaf Japanese girl who was encountering problems regarding growing up in addition to the loss of her mother represents the vulnerable, usually misunderstood and abused in their weaknesses.

The usual uniform of Japanese students is one of the symbolisms that was misconstrued, being short enough to show the form of the user. It has been taken as a sexual invitation when the young girl was still innocent about such matters. This could draw one’s attention to avoid stereotyping rather understanding customs and traditions before drawing conclusions. Judgment (socially): Comment according to social norms Facial expressions also show a lot of messages which generally give more understanding of the emotions and thoughts of the characters.

With the use of different languages, without subtitles, one cannot understand everything that might have been said in the movie but facial expressions is a universal language people of different races could well understand and relate to. For instance, grief over loss of a loved one is experienced by people around the world so this is well understood especially by those who already experienced deep emotions when it comes to death, making them able to relate to the unexpressed feelings. Crying is an outlet of hurt feelings so without saying, one who cries usually is experiencing hurt.

Social Diversity Statement: What do you think? With the presentation of different races in one film, the movie expresses that amidst people’s differences, we all go through the same pains, we all feel love, have the need to be loved and understood and that no one is spared of the universal facts of life like death. Regardless of race, age, and financial status, everyone is vulnerable to the sting of death, a theme that is also emphasized in the movie, having it affect most of the main characters.

Whatever interpretations one gets from the movie, it will always remain that viewers understand in accordance with their experiences and may have similar or different meanings.ReferenceIñárritu, Gonzáles, & Gonzáes, Alejandro. 2006. Babel. USA: Paramount Vantage.

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