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Global Recession and Hospitality Management in 4 Star Hotels in Eastbourne - Dissertation Example

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The paper "Global Recession and Hospitality Management in 4 Star Hotels in Eastbourne" states that The hotel industry is one of the highest income generators in London due to the booming tourism that is experienced in London and its environs. This has been going on for decades, and not just in London…
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Global Recession and Hospitality Management in 4 Star Hotels in Eastbourne
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Travelling has become a common occurrence in people’s lives for purposes of a business, leisure, academic commitments and visiting friends and close associates. With tourism comes hospitality, hence, the high proportion of tourists who every year flock into London has necessitated the establishment of hotels and other forms of accommodation for tourism.

The hospitality sector has for decades grown, and currently, it is one of the highest earners in the United Kingdom. As a result of this, global trends also affect tourism in the UK, which would further have an impact on the hospitality and hospitality management in London. The global recession affected the circulation of money around the globe, and since tourists visiting London are derived from the UK and various parts of the world, it is evident that tourism was affected. With the global recession came an increased standard of living among people. These changes ensured that numbers visiting London were not the same as those that initially visited the city. As a result of all these factors, hospitality and quality management in hotels was markedly affected since hotels were operating under new financial factors and new visitors.

First Objective – evaluate the operations/marketing sector/hour sector
Second Objective – to assess the effect of global recession on the overall financial performance of the 4-star hotels
Third Objective – to establish the role of the hotel management in combating the effects of the economic meltdown on the hotels
Last Objective – to evaluate the risk management measures set up by the hotels in the wake of the global economic recession
Qualitative methods only will be used for this study. I will interview 8 people and from this, I expect to retrieve all the information that I want. Direct and online interviews will be used for this exercise. The advantage of direct interviews is that there is contact with the management team of the hotels; hence, I would be able to get the required information. Online interviews will offer another option as it offers a cheap and fast means of accessing those that I expect to interview. Online interviews will be conducted through computer networks or the Internet. However, this will only be applicable in settings that have computers and Internet connections... Online surveys will form the quickest means to collect data since it is electronic means.
These methods will also be combined in some quarters so that faster, better and more responses will be obtained from participants concerning the subject matter. This method (hybrid method) will be used when getting data from financial experts on the global recession and data from the management of hotels in London.

Ethical Considerations
The study will comply with the protocols associated with the methodology applied; hence there will be no ethical issues in the study. Protocols to be used will adhere to the principles of making respondents anonymous and ensuring that confidentiality is enhanced. This would ensure that the followed methods are in tandem with stipulated guidelines and that no rule is broken in the process. Furthermore, the study will ensure that no rights of the respondents are violated when data is being collected. In order to uphold these principles, the research will ensure that questionnaires are sent to specific respondents, and the asked questions will not be revealed to the rest. The research will be conducted at an appropriate time so that customers are comfortable with the timing of the research.

The chosen questions are also going to be brief, precise and clear so that respondents are not frustrated with the exercise. Polite language is also going to be used so that respondents are free with the research team, and so that they feel respected and appreciated. Correct and safe tools will be used for data recording so that no accidents occur in the field, and so that respondents’ efforts are well appreciated. Faulty equipment is likely to lead to unsuccessful and inaccurate data collection and this may be frustrating to respondents as they may feel that their efforts have gone to waste. By following all these, the research team will have ensured that success is a guarantee as no respondent will feel dissatisfied with the methods applied.

Relevance of the Proposed Dissertation to the Program of Study
I study International Hospitality Management; hence, this dissertation is relevant to my area of study. The course deals with trends in hospitality management around the globe, especially in large tourist destinations, and how these trends are affected by various factors. The global recession is one of these factors that affect tourism and hospitality, hence, by conducting the study, I would be able to understand better how financial trends affect hospitality and hospitality management. This proposal would further enable me to establish the acute management measures undertaken in hospitality management so as to maintain business operations in harsh economic realities. Read More
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