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The Inner History of Devices - Admission/Application Essay Example

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This article “The Inner History of Devices” is about innate inner voice that symbolizes our attraction to technologies that we used daily in our lives. These voices are picked from three different sources which are different and each present a new faucet of the attraction…
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The Inner History of Devices
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The contributions of these three fields are unique and narrated from different angles which enrich the depth and content of the article. The first part of the article is entitled ‘the three ways of listening’, which is an analysis of how people in these three diverse listen due to the influence of technology. Listening is used here metaphorically because in this context it means how people understand different situations. This is because; the only way we can perceive a situation is not through listening but by studying or reading.

Their perceptions are quite different in terms of how they approach their analysis to issues. Closely related to this part is the second part that has been dubbed ‘the prepared listener’. This part deals with approaches that different specialists use towards understanding and analyzing their situations. Different stories are given which serve to highlight how people in their daily activities interact with each other and with technology in order to find solutions to their predicaments.

‘Untold stories’ is the third section of this article which tackles keenly guarded secrets within individuals with regards to some phenomenon that we do not understand. Much of what we often are not familiar with is usually offered through new technologies which force us to have innate fears within us about our inadequacies. Sometimes, learning and decoding of new concepts usually happens and the way it is expressed leaves a lot to be desired. The last part of this article has been given the title ‘collection and recollection’ which deals with the way in which different people remember things about their past.

Many the stories told here involve people and their interactions with technology in relation to how they can remember their past. The main theme here is about the art of memorization and using what has been learnt in our daily lives. As such, people have become increasingly depended on technology rendering them mere robots who can do nothing without their computers and gadgets of communication. Problems usually start when these technologies or gadgets are disrupted or they break down to expose the vulnerability of their users.

This article is very important to college students because it covers very important skills that are used to study every day. The current generation of students are so depended and hooked to technology such that they can almost do nothing manually. Such a high dependency can be disastrous when people have to do studying the old fashion in the library using books. Although this article covers the subject of perception on different issues in three ways, there are other many ways through people perceive things.

Thanks to this article, it serves as an eye opener on what to expect in campus life with regards to studies being undertaken there. BIOS Passwords Why is your Windows password not so secure? How can someone get around it? Windows passwords are not so secure because they are many ways of retrieving these passwords like using other operating systems such as Linux. For example, one can open live Linux software in a computer to read all the data stored within the computer. Better still, ones computer hard drive can changed into the slave drive of another computer leading to transfer of all data including passwords.

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