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Different Types or Levels of Statistics - Essay Example

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The author of the paper "Different Types or Levels of Statistics" defines statistics as a science promoting the estimation of the probability distribution for the random variables when there are several observations are repeatedly retrieved from a similar random variable (2014)…
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Different Types or Levels of Statistics
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On page 3 of Jain and Aggarwal’s book, the term statistics has two definitions. The first definition shows that statistics in the plural sense shows it is the numerical data of the facts that relate to different fields of inquiry such as population and prices (2007). In a singular sense, Jain and Aggarwal (2007) define statistics as a science that deals with different methods of data collection, presentation, and interpretation among other techniques.

Different Types/ Levels of Statistics

According to Jain and Aggarwal (2007), there are two types and levels of statistics. The first is known as descriptive statistics where the techniques for data collection and organization are used to provide more details about the data. Under the descriptive type of data, decisions or conclusions are not made. On page 5 of Moss’s book, he cites the second type of statistics as inferential statistics (2014). This type of statistics involves estimating the characteristic of decision-making that involves a population, based on sample results (Moss, 2014). Under this kind of statistic, there is an estimation of an unknown parameter of the population to check the basis of the sample and to test if the sample data has enough evidence to show the population parameter (Jain & Aggarwal, 2007).

Statistics and Decision-Making in Business World

In business, the knowledge of statistics is extremely crucial. For a business person with knowledge of statistics, it becomes easy to make estimates that are related to supply and demand. It becomes easier to make the right decisions when it comes to seasonal changes, the tastes of consumers in the market, the customs, and the market’s trade cycle (Jain & Aggarwal, 2007). For example, a business person with knowledge of statistics is in a better position to know a market’s supply and demand of goods and how much supply or demand might become affected by changes in prices or the policies that the government sets. As noted in Jain and Aggarwal’s book, the making of decisions in businesses would not exist if there was no aid of statistical methods (2007).

Three Problem Situations Where Statistics Is Useful

Statistics is useful when it comes to solving the political problems of a country. For example, in a country where the opposition parties want to win an election, statistics are useful in aiding these parties to make imperative criticisms of the activities government is carrying out. When the opposition leaders possess such statistical knowledge, they are in a better position to make the government revise its policies about public debt issues, unemployment, and issues related to imports and exports.

In class, the knowledge of statistics makes it easier for me to compute percentages given in assignments. It is also easy to compute personal percentages when it comes to my savings and determine the different investment options that are available to me. In the education sector, the shortcomings experienced by schools are determined by using statistics, because the examination results of students provide the education board with the right information on arising issues.

When it comes to societal issues, statistics are useful in solving what social reformers see as social evils such as gambling and alcoholism. Through the knowledge of statistics, it becomes easy for society to know the gravity of these problems and what to do to avoid them or discourage their occurrence.

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