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Hypothesis Identification Analysis - Essay Example

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The dependent variable was chosen by the researcher because the increasing use of tobacco and alcohol has been a major cause of premature deaths that can be avoided in the United States. In addition, the consumption of alcohol leads to several deaths in America every year. The…
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Hypothesis Identification Analysis
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Hypothesis Identification Analysis a. Hypothesis Tobacco companies’ numerous marketing strategies linking cigarettes with alcohol have reinforced theuse of both substances. b. VariablesDependent variable: increasing use of alcohol and tobaccoIndependent variable: numerous marketing strategies by the tobacco companies.The dependent variable was chosen by the researcher because the increasing use of tobacco and alcohol has been a major cause of premature deaths that can be avoided in the United States.

In addition, the consumption of alcohol leads to several deaths in America every year. The use of alcohol and cigarettes leads to high number of people being screened with cancers of various types. The cancer type’s that can be acquired through excessive use of alcohol and cigarettes include the cancer of the throat, the mouth and the esophagus (Jiang & Ling, 2011).The independent variable was chosen by the researcher because the increase in the abuse of cigarettes and tobacco can be attributed to the marketing strategies of tobacco companies.

Joint sponsorships between alcohol and tobacco companies contributed to the increased numbers of people using cigarettes and alcohol products at the same time. The promotion event targeted sporting events where the youth had interest in such as auto racing soccer and golf. Other events such as bar and night club events have been sponsored by the tobacco and alcohol companies to influence more people to use their products. The promotion programs are aimed at exposing the tobacco and alcohol products to the young adult potential smokers so that the companies can improve on their sales and profit margin (Jiang & Ling, 2011).c. How the hypothesis statement was usedThe hypothesis statement was used to determine whether the increase in alcohol and cigarette abuse among young adults is due to marketing strategies of the tobacco and alcohol companies.

The study found out that tobacco companies were able to offer discounted or free alcohol at Tobacco Company sponsored bar nights. The discounted or free alcohol is aimed at introducing more young adults into the usage of alcohol and tobacco products. For instance, the study found out that Marlboro promotional strategies were aimed at offering free beer to the young adults who bought their cigarette products so as to generate excitement and please the participants (Jiang & Ling, 2011).The hypothesis was accepted since the promotional and marketing strategies of the tobacco and alcohol companies were aimed at introducing more young adults into the usage of their products.

The implications of the study are that tobacco and alcohol companies are contributing to the increasing deaths of young adults in the United States. Their marketing strategies only lead to more young people abusing tobacco and alcohol products. Tobacco and alcohol companies are only concerned with the sales they register but not the health of the public. The high prevalence use of alcohol and cigarettes should not be seen as an opportunity to improve sales in the alcohol and tobacco industries, the statistics on the prevalence should be used to find ways in which the young adults can be informed of the health risks associated with the use of alcohol and cigarettes (Jiang & Ling, 2011).

Tobacco promotions targeting the young adults are responsible for the increasing abuse of both alcohol and cigarettes. More young adults will continue to lose their lives due to alcohol and cigarette abuse. Measures should be put in place to stop cigarette and alcohol exposure to the young adults (Jiang & Ling, 2011).ReferencesJiang, N & Ling, P (2011), Research And Practice. Reinforcement Of Smoking And Drinking: Tobacco Marketing Strategies Linked With Alcohol In The United States, New York: American Journal Of Public Health, Vol 101, No. 10.

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