Variables Among the variables of interest in this study included; Age; Height; Mass; Total power output; Ventilatory threshold; Respiratory compensation threshold; Interpolated power output; and Heart Rate. Age, height and mass are independent variables and also constants while the others are dependent variables which depend on each other and the distance cycled. The most important variables in this research study are; Age; Total power output; Ventilatory threshold; Respiratory compensation threshold; Interpolated power output; and Heart Rate.
This is so because, the above variables will enable the realization of research question. Reliability and Validity Reliability and validity of variables is tested through the use of the Cronbalch Alpha coefficient. If the Cronbalch Alpha coefficient is bigger than .5, then the variable if valid and reliable. Another technique of testing the reliability and validity of the variables is to predict the values of the response using arbitrary values of the explaining factors; independent variables.
The analysis presented in this research study, regression analysis, is better predictor of reliability and validity. The formulated regression equations can forecast the values of the total power output and from the findings the researcher can certainly say whether a certain variable is significantly reliable and valid or not. Validity and reliability can further be determined using Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) using a box plot or a stem and leaf plot for each of the variables. If many outliers, then the variable is not reliable and valid as it goes against the assumption of normality.
In this research study, the reliability and validity of the variables has not been tested. It is assumed that the variables are valid and reliable which should not be the case. Research Design A research design depends entirely on the targeted population in any research study. Surveys and experiments are the mostly used research design techniques. In survey, the data is mostly gotten through observations while in experiments the response variable readings are recorded through the control of certain factors.
Experimental design is also referred to as controlled design since the sample is divided into normal and controlled sub-groups in terms of the sample itself or the treatments (factors). The research design used in this research study is called controlled design (experimental). In controlled design, the research uses the same participants to perform a certain task with a certain factor (treatment) present and then use the same participants to perform the same task without the factor. In this case, the cyclists are to cycle without any form of motivation.
Once the various readings are taken, the cyclists are then given a motivation, in form of money, and the same readings taken. The two readings are then compared and a result analyzed and presented. The research design helps the researcher to answer the question. Controlled design is strong as compared to other research designs because; The same participants are used thus reducing biasness; Before and after readings better depict the difference in the phenomenon under study; The analyzed results presents a better understanding of the factors; The researcher has no troubles trying to analyze such data; However, the controlled design has weaknesses in that; At times the participants gets used to behaving in a certain manner and end up giving un-tangible data; Internal effects may harbour the participant from giving his/her best for the research study.
For correct results to be realised in this research study, there is need for total power output readings for males and females to be compared so that the difference can be explained to be much in females than in males or vice versa. This can from a basis for further research. In this research study, internal validity threats were controlled through the use of well trained sample who were allowed to make an informed consent about their participation in the research study.
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