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Sports Scandals in America - Essay Example

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Whereas athletes are required to be statesmen and women but they end up betraying “the states trust” accorded to them. This presentation highlights some of the major scandals in the Americans history…
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Sports Scandals in America
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Slide Sports Scandals in America of Presenter Affiliation Presentation Slide 2 Introduction In American history, sports persons are perceived as above human due to the high esteem accorded to them by fans Whereas athletes are required to be statesmen and women but they end up betraying “the states trust” accorded to them. This presentation highlights some of the major scandals in the Americans history: Slide 3 National Football League NFL is a multibillion league but the most corrupt and hypocritical in the American history Slide 4 NFL scandals On September 15, 2015, the league suffered a technological hitch leading to the radio call used by match officials being manipulated and hence received wrong instructions Some teams have been forced to play two games within five days.

NFL allows player to use NFL branded merchandize and hence raising a lot of unaccounted money Slide 5 Other scandals -Compromising investigations -Domestic violence among players -Bribery to influence the transfer of athletes Works Cited Finley, ‎Laura, ‎Jeffrey Fountain, Sports Scandals and their impacts: modern sports journals. 2008. Print

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“Sports Scandals in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words”, n.d.
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