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Sports Lead and Story-Use of Abuse and Slur Lead to the Firing of Coach - Assignment Example

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This paper "Sports Lead and Story-Use of Abuse and Slur Lead to the Firing of Coach" focuses on the fact that Mike Rice, the men’s basketball team coach was fired by Rutgers University. This happened after a video recorded by an anonymous person revealed him berating his players during practices. …
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Sports Lead and Story-Use of Abuse and Slur Lead to the Firing of Coach
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 Pernetti who had earlier defended the coach, rooting for the coach’ rehabilitation accepted the dismissal and vowed to regain the trust of Rutgers community (The New York Times).Part II: Purpose and Feature of StoryThere are several types of feature stories. These are; profile, explanatory piece, colour story, human interest, news feature, backgrounder, lifestyle feature, travel story, general feature, interview piece, investigative feature, column and review (Helitzer 162). The type of feature-focused in the article is the Human interest story.

The article focuses on interactions between a professional, a coach, basketball team and the Rutgers community. The emotion created in the story is of remorse, derived from the way the coach relates with his team. The use of slur and humiliating approaches to team members who possess talent and vigour in the game is demoralizing. Information about the character of the coach, the attitude developed by the team is revealed. An anonymous person takes the initiative of recording a video during the training sessions to reveal the vice.

The whistle-blower creates a dramatic event that reveals Rice’s character without dispute that leads to his termination. 

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