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Feminism The YouTube clip has a well-developed theme on the issue of feminism. It uses both males and females in presenting the topic, which shows that all people have a chance in advocating for equal human rights (Feminist Majority foundation). In addressing the topic, the clip outlines the traits of feminism uses humor in its description to ensure that it sticks in the minds of the viewer. Some of the aspects that made the clip though provoking are: a) Humor- the different characters in the clip extensively use humor to convey their message.
This ensures that the video attracts the interest of its viewer and eventually, they think about the issue addressed. b) Topicality- inequality is a current challenge experienced by different people across the world; it may be based on social status, gender or age. As such, addressing the issue of being feminism, which advocates for equality touches on the lives of many individuals, is relevant making the clip thought provoking. In addressing the issues, various traits of feminists are outlined which clearly makes an individual understand on the specific issues they need to address to ensure that equality is promoted at diverse societal levels.
Additionally, outlining the historical background of feminism, the progress made so far and some individuals who played significant roles in enhancing equality brings the issue into life. The presentation of any video clip is very important in conveying the intended information. In the case of the video clip, the issue is presented in a clear and audible way making it easy for the viewer. Additionally, the graphics used are fine in that they use individual of diverse age groups and gender, which ensure fair representation of various social groups.
Moreover, the chronological development of ideas ensures that one is able to follow the clip and understand it bit by bit. Works cited Feminist Majority foundation. “This is What a Feminist Looks Like.” Online Video Clip. You Tube. 22 March 2013. Web. 2 Feb. 2014.
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