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Industrial Engineering in My Life - Personal Statement Example

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In the essay “Industrial Engineering in My Life,” the author describes his desire to be an engineer to contribute to the evolution of the industrialized world. His major is industrial engineering. This type of engineering deals with improving the efficiency of processes in a system…
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Industrial Engineering in My Life
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About me, I was born twenty-one years ago and d Omar by my parents. I am a hard-working individual and I have helped my parents in my spare time to run their business. I am interested in sports especially soccer. I have been part of my school's soccer team since I joined the school. I was the assistant captain and an attacking player. I have scored and provided the assist for the team and was considered as one of the valuable team members. I learned to be a team player from the sport. I learned that to achieve a common goal, I must enlist the help of others.

I also learned to deal with people in high-pressure situations. I am also interested in science documentaries. I watch scientific discoveries to help me to understand show science influences life. My other interests include reading, traveling, and socializing. Science has always been my favorite subject. Learning expectationsI have high expectations and I believe I will learn a lot from the course. I expect to use various resources to learn and understand manufacturing history. I will be able to understand the origin and growth of manufacturing processes from the local and global industries.

I expect to learn why manufacturing is vital to the development of society. I expect to learn how things are made and the way they operate from the class. I will gain technical knowledge from the class concerning machines used in manufacturing. The class provides practical sections that will help me get a firsthand experience of manufacturing processes. I expect to understand various methods of manufacturing; this will enable me to determine the favorable method of production for any good. I am fervent to learn about innovative technologies and their mode of operation.

New technologies have come up over the last decade and studying them will be exciting. I expect to learn about metallic and non-metallic materials used in the process of manufacturing. This class will cover various manufacturing processes, I expect to understand these processes and their application in manufacturing processes. I expect that the class provides me with the education and practical skills required to excel in the job market. At the conclusion of the class, I expect to have an in-depth understanding of manufacturing to leave a mark on the industrialization sector.

I will follow the rule and ensure that I attend all the classes to ensure that I perform well in the class.

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(Industrial Engineering in My Life Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words, n.d.)
Industrial Engineering in My Life Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words.
(Industrial Engineering in My Life Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words)
Industrial Engineering in My Life Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words.
“Industrial Engineering in My Life Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words”.
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