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By sampling, there are comparative analyses of the empirical data she determines the two aspects understudy to make conclusions.
Stivers rely on the research that has been done by other personalities like Gail Jefferson and CA research. She then bases her findings comparatively with these initial findings and concludes since they are similar in comparison they are more likely true. Stivers also rely on the theories that have been put forth by some personalities. There is the use of diagnostic theories in the study that is comparatively put against the findings in the study to draw conclusions.
In this research study, the theories are the proposed outcomes or what is expected of the patients who are under the study, using diagnostic theories in this research was meant to compare how the patient under study was responsive and how he or she was expected to respond. The research in this study is the formulation of responses using the subjects that the particular study was done on before. Afterward, there was a comparison of the particular findings of a patient and another different patient.
The Stivers study tends to confirm some previous research done as true and at the same time discredit some as lacking proper basis. By utilizing the CA as the primary method, Stivers confirms the patterns parents tend to use talking about their children's illnesses.
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