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Reflective Learning Commentary - Essay Example

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Specialists in autism detect it at this stage since the child should have certain realized posses certain cognitive and linguistic capacities. However, an…
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Reflective Learning Commentary
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Reflective learning commentary Task: Autism is a disorder, which become apparent at about the age of three years in a child’s life (Happé 1995, p.56). Specialists in autism detect it at this stage since the child should have certain realized posses certain cognitive and linguistic capacities. However, an autistic child will have social problems owing to their linguistic and cognitive incapacities that result from this condition (Fuentes 2007, p.89). Jane and Michael Jackson have done exceptionally well in taking of their children.

Sam is healthy and has all that he needs. Taking care of such a child is strenuous since the child requires constant attention owing to their incapacities. Therefore, the child is more demanding with regard to the effort that parents need to put in. Although Sam’s parents are handling the situation appropriately, it is evident that it is causing psychological strains among the family members (Brereton 2010, p.40).Daisy is young and fails to understand her brother’s condition. As such, she cannot bring her friends to their house.

Daisy seems ashamed of her brother’s condition and thinks her friends might abandon her find out about her brother’s disorder. This kind of reaction is expected from such a tender girl. Despite Sam’s parents commitment, which is commendable, it is evident Sam’s condition is wearing down the family. Consequently, they will require financial help to enable them acquire services of a specialist who can facilitate Sam’s rehabilitation. This would reduce the burden to the parents. Additionally, the couple will require counselling to enable them deal with the psychological strains that result from the strains that family is encountering.

Many people may overlook the psychological implication, but it is vital to seek professional assistance. The psychological therapy for the couple is critical since it may assist with marital problems that may emanate due to the strenuous nature of their parental responsibilities. Finally, the couple may require financial assistance to enable them meet Sam rehabilitation expenses (Osteen 2008, p.78).BibliographyBrereton, A 2010, Autism: A Guide to Understanding and Helping Your Child, Snow drop, New Jersey.

Fuentes, C 2007, Autism, Lulu Publishing, London.Happé, F 1995, Autism: An Introduction to Psychological Theory, UCL press, London.Osteen, M 2008, Autism and Representation, Routledge, New York.Stanley Wickham21 River Road, Staines, MiddlesexResources managersAutism agency17 River Road, Staines MiddlesexDear sir/ Madam,RE: RESOURCES REQUIRED BY MR. & MRS. JACKSONThis notification is to inform this agency the resources that the above couple requires to support their son, Sam. Sam is an autistic child, as such, he requires constant care form his parents.

This has reduced the hours they can work as such reducing their earning considerably. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson have made this noble choice by not abandoning their son who has certain incapacities. However, this has come at a cost. Subsequently, they will require finical help to enable them to accomplish certain things. First, Sam should commence rehabilitation to enable him have a possibility of conquering the cognitive and linguistic challenges that he is encountering. Additionally, the couple will also need to attend therapy.

The chances of Sam receiving proper care and parental attention depend on his parents. As such, it is imperative to ensure that the parents receive counselling. This is will enable the family to have psychological clarity of the situation they are encountering. The family will also require certain rehabilitation equipment that the experts will recommend.Sincerely yours.Stanley Wickham

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