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Violence in a Different Setting - Essay Example

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This movie was released in 1963 and the directed by Terence Young. From Russia with Love is based on a novel by Len Fleming. James Bond is given a duty to help in the Soviet consulate who is in…
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Violence in a Different Setting
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VIOLENCE IN A DIFFERENT SETTING From Russia with Love is a film that James Bond acts amongst his spy film series. This movie was released in 1963 and the directed by Terence Young. From Russia with Love is based on a novel by Len Fleming. James Bond is given a duty to help in the Soviet consulate who is in Turkey and killed an operative of this organization. In this process, the SPECTRE plan to avenge the killing of Dr. No by James Bond. The SPECTRE’s specialist Kronsteen works out a plot to steal a Cryptographic Device from the Soviets and then sell it back to them.

This criminal group that is much interested in a Russian decoding device. Violence is a major issue in this movie as this is evident when the movie starts with a man being strangled by an agent of SPECRE. As the movie advances there are numerous episodes violence like explosions, shout outs and fist fights. Differential association is the type of violence that is portrayed in this movie. The Differential Association theory asserts that criminal acts are learned behaviors. The SPECTRE is a criminal organization that plans to steal a Russian decoding device.

This organization has trained assassins like Grant who is sent to kill James Bond as he is the one with this decoding device. This theory also asserts that criminal behavior is leaned through a process of communication. Member of this organization are well coordinated as they can carry out numerous tasks concurrently. This type of violence is evident in the film as the core part of learning of the criminal acts occurs within intimate person groups. The SPECTRE groups worked discretely. Differential Association theory stipulates that a person becomes delinquent due to different exposures of violence.

This is evident in the movie when the agents in this organization mess up in the duties assigned to them and are eventually killed to prove to the other agents that this is serious matter. The film, First blood is a movie acted by Sylvester Stallone in the year 1982. This movie is a Post Vietnam war thriller that shows the challenges that the Americans faced while attempting to reintegrate into the society. The protagonist portrays psychological difficulties after the Vietnam War. This is evident with his short fused temper that makes him get arrested.

The Violent nature of Sylvester Stallone grows gradually as the movie progresses as a result of psychological torment that he experienced during the Vietnam War. Psychologically induced violence is evident in the movie First Blood. Fundamentally, the type of violence that is portrayed in this movie is of a different nature when compared to other movies during this period. Rambo’s mental instability is made even worse from the beatings and torture by the police. He undergoes a psychological breakdown that forces him to fight the policemen and he escapes from prison.

He flees into the forest where he uses his militaristic skills that result into a violent rampage. His actions are induced by psychological instability from the war but the movie is acted in America depicting an elemental differentiation. This movie resultantly provides a solid aspect of this idiosyncratic aspect of violence that was present during this era. Psychologically induced violence that Rambo faces is as a result of Post Vietnam War that has plagued him in indulging on brute physical force and weaponry.

From Russia with Love portrays the violence that was experienced before and during the time various nations went to war whereas First blood shows the effect of the Vietnam War. This shows different types of violence based on the setting at that particular time. References From Russia with Love (1963) – James Bond First Blood (1882) – John Rambo

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