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Does Wealthier mean Healthier - Essay Example

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It is the age-old adage that health is of a far greater importance compared to wealth, although it never stopped people from trading health in pursuit of wealth. Usually people are under the mystical spell of wealth always consoling their rebelling conscience that once they achieve the wealth, health could be bought and time and again, this has proved wrong…
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Does Wealthier mean Healthier
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Worrying, stress because of unrealistic expectations in life could be part of wealth and wealthy people have not found the key to happiness. One reason could be loneliness and wealthy people could definitely be lonely as most of the relationships are based on wealth creation. Extensive social life, worries about swinging partners, spoilt children, business hassles could be worrying. Abnormal socialising could ruin the health and personal health could be the biggest of worries. Learning to relax without dominating thoughts is not always easy for the healthy.

Alcohol, caffeine, stressful deals, business and personal enmities, lack of time for exercise, sunshine and fresh air all could rob health. Wealth could be perhaps the greatest motivator in life even in the childhood, because of the importance given to it by parents. One of the researches showed that even among children, enhancement of self-esteem with the help of bettered social status is rampant. "The research also showed that children are affected by the desire to improve their social status and consider this a way of increasing their self-esteem.

Affluence and the acquisition of material possessions were considered important avenues for increasing social status" Byrne (1999). Health inequalities could be attributed to a number of surrounding factors. "Inequalities in disease experience between different social strata are greater than ever and addressing their wider determinants - education, employment, reduction of poverty, physical and social environment - remains fundamental to successful action," says Donaldson (1998, p.101). In the field of inequality, wealth could be the provider of health.

In Britain, this problem had been eradicated to a large extent after the materialisation of NHS even though waiting for beds and appointments could be a gruelling task. Wealth could be helpful once again in procuring the food and nutrition, knowledge and information. The last two factors with the explosion of knowledge through net is non-existent now. Still, wealth, if used properly, could be a major health builder due to right food consumption and nutrition and proper environment. "There is no consensus among health economists about the specification of individual preferences that best fits observed behaviors.

One crucial point of disagreement concerns the sign of the interaction between health and wealth in individual utility functions" Rey and Rochet (2004). On the other side of the scale, working classes could be more exposed to air pollution. Wealth could be a deciding factor in maternal care and the health of the newborn as well. Business organisations have introduced health plans to workers instead of extra payments. In spite of brand selling clichs, it is better to invest in health than in luxury.

Nature's wealth to be used for human health had been immensely beneficial and enhancing knowledge about health has been useful in recent years. Health in organisations cannot be connected with organisational wealth. "The findings presented within this paper reveal that "wealth" is a poor indicator of organisational health. Organisational wealth is likely to be generated from a great variety of factors, many of which are deeply rooted in good management processes. On some occasions an organisation may accumulate wealth as a result of engaging in "unhealthy" practices which one could argue is essentially short sighted, and

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“Does Wealthier Mean Healthier Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 Words”, n.d.
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