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Perceptions of Midwives of Pregnant Teenagers/Teenage Parents in the UK - Dissertation Example

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Teenage pregnancy and parenthood is a global issue, not restricted to developing nations. As a new phenomenon to the West, adolescent health and youth social care and protection have generated research into best practices for service provision. …
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Perceptions of Midwives of Pregnant Teenagers/Teenage Parents in the UK
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Teenage pregnancy and parenthood is a global issue, not restricted to developing nations. As a new phenomenon to the West, adolescent health and youth social care and protection have generated research into best practices for service provision. However, the literature has been limited into the empirical investigation of midwife perceptions of their health care role with pregnant teenagers. And, there is limited knowledge of what midwife perceptions of pregnant teenagers may actually be, and from where they source this knowledge.

Using a mixed-method design this study will ask a sample of 42 midwives from a local UK hospital to complete a mail-out survey, take part in a focus group, and perhaps be selected for a semi-structured interview. Descriptive and paramatretic tests will be used to analyse the data, including content analysis for the qualitative data. It is hypothesized that the midwifes role is multi-faceted and complex; perceptions can differentiate sub-roles of the midwife; and that perceptions of teens will be different to that of adults.

It is anticipated that this study will contribute to knowledge and understanding of the critical relationship between midwife and a teen who is pregnant or an early parent. Issues in adolescent health and development have been a focus of research and project implementation by the World Health Organisation (WHO) (WHO, 2004). Teenagers are seen as an aggregate within the community that shares characteristics with other aggregates whilst having its own distinguishing features.

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