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A Small Country Fostering Greatest Happiness to People - Term Paper Example

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The goal of this paper "A Small Country Fostering Greatest Happiness to People" is to provide an overview of different perspectives of creating happiness towards people across the governments of various countries. An author of the paper will focus on urban design and economic policies…
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A Small Country Fostering Greatest Happiness to People
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A Small Country Fostering Greatest Happiness to People Every country has the desire to develop an ideal society that can be achieved by designing a country with the greatest happiness among the people. Different national interests should be accomplished in order to create an ideal society. An effectual urban design can only be accomplished if there is a good system of the government, good organization, having entertainment and advanced urban design. The mentioned factors create happiness amongst people and good leadership in the country. In most countries, there is always an extreme inequality between the rich and poor where the poor people can be safeguarded through creating impartial and legitimate policies. A Small Country Fostering Greatest Happiness to People Leaders who are in leadership positions can also boost happiness by having a better relationship with the people. Good leaders should inspire the people and have a good connection with them. An amicable country can be developed if the communication between the leaders and people is effective. Good environmental conditions also improve the living status of the people. The issue of disasters should be accounted by properly putting the public facilities. Procedures concerning security should be established in order to protect the people. The government can perfectly design a country though the happiness can only be achieved if put into practice. Happiness is state of good life, flourishing, joy, freedom from suffering, well-being, pleasure and the prosperity. It is also a combination of being satisfied in life and positive emotions which are more than negative emotions. In general, happiness is the condition of being happy. Happiness is brought by good health, relationships, having more money, generosity in people, capability of coping with stress and trauma, among others. People’s genes contribute fifty percent of happiness, ten percent from their life circumstances and the remaining percentage depends on the daily activities carried out. The ways in which one can boost happiness is by building relationship, giving thanks, practicing kindness, giving up grudges, having a rest and paying attention. Meanwhile, countries have different perspectives of creating happiness towards people as discussed in this paper. In a state of designing a small country, one should focus on developing the national interests that satisfies the people. Some of the national interests include good infrastructure, good leadership or system of government, favorable urban design, generating entertainment events, favorable economic policies and technological advancement among others (Banerjee, 2010). The first national interest to take in designing a small country with the greatest happiness to the people is to have a suitable urban design. It is a technique of shaping the physical appearance for the life in towns, villages and cities. It is an art of making places. The urban design involves designing of buildings, spaces and landscapes, groups of buildings and establishing the procedures that will enhance successful development. An effective and efficient urban design can be achieved by qualified personnel. The urban designers usually shape the places where people live. However, the urban designers should collaborate with the urban planners and architects for proper designs of cities, villages and towns. The architects should consider the place and not only designing the buildings to satisfy the demands of the clients alone. The responsibility of the planners is to deal with the physical form of development and not just the land use (Banerjee, 2010). The landscape architects are responsible in understanding and analyzing the sites at the beginning of the planning and designing process, instead of being informed late and mask ugly buildings. The highway engineers are responsible in making the places being pleasant to walk through, instead of focusing on how to keep the traffic moving. The proper urban design makes the places to be both successful in economic and social activities, attractive to visit and good to live. It is also crucial in creating the identity of the community. Effective urban planning helps in delivering better public services. Urban design also helps in achieving money value in new developments and proper utilization of scarce resources. Careful urban design can assist in the reduction of crimes and anti-social behaviors by eliminating the hiding places (Banerjee, 2010). The above significances of effective urban design contribute to happiness in people’s lives in which they can have good housing facilities and walk in secure paths and roads within the cities, towns and villages. In general, appropriate urban design improves the living standards of the greatest number of people. Favorable economic policies also contribute in making people happy towards living. Tax policy is one the policies that can be adjusted to assist the greatest number of people on living a happy life. In most cases, the taxes are controlled by the economic changes in a country. In most countries, the poor people usually account the greatest percentage of the entire population (Rao, 2010). The government should tax heavily on sectors, which does not mainly affect the poor people. Most of the poor people pay indirect taxes through buying of household goods for use and consumption. When the prices of the household goods remain constant or reduced, it enables people to buy in large stock or acquire in a greater variety. Reducing the prices of household goods enables people to engage in other productive activities, which can improve their living standards thereby creating happiness. A higher minimum wage policy should be implemented for better living standards among the people. The jobs will become costly, but a large number will benefit assuming that the number of employees does not reduce because of imposing the high minimum wage policy. Increasing the wages or the salaries of the employees allows accessing and acquiring other facilities inform choice and preferences. The companies should have a maximum and minimum number of people to be employed either permanently or on a daily basis. The people who are employed on a daily basis are referred to as waged people. Regulating their wages will not affect the dismissal of some of the wage-earners below the required minimum number (Rao, 2010). Such companies will find other means of making profit rather than dismissing workers. In general, increasing the wages and salaries of the people makes people to live happily. The third national interest that can create happiness among people is to enhancing good leadership qualities or having an appropriate system of government. Some of the good leadership qualities include honesty, ability to delegate and inspire, having a sense of humor and confidence, proper communication, positive attitude and being committed (Kane & Patapan, 2014). All the leaders in every sector should uphold the mentioned qualities in order to create happiness to all people. For example, in companies there should practice all levels of communications such as upward, downward and diagonal communications. Good communication allows work to be done effectively and efficiently with no complains. Every employer or employee needs a better environment while working. Good leadership also promotes socialization among people thereby creating a happier environment among people. A good example of the appropriate system of government is that of Denmark. Denmark usually supports the parents at a large scale. The working-class mothers should be given enough maternal leave of about 52 weeks while still being paid. When the children are born, they should be assisted with low-cost or free child care. The health care should be a basic right to every citizen. To accomplish this, some of the health care services in public hospitals should be free or at a relatively lower cost (Kane & Patapan, 2014). The physicians should conduct door-to-door activities in order to identify people with infections and are incapable of visiting hospitals. Gender equality should also be prioritized. Women should be given leadership position at a particular percentage in all sectors. The act of having women in leadership encourages the girl child in living a suitable and happier life. Everybody should be responsible to one another. People should volunteer to help the needy people with clothes, food and shelter. People should practice social safety and security amongst themselves. Insecurity is a major problem that inhibits proper flow of the system of government (Kane & Patapan, 2014). The citizens should assist the government through identifying who their neighbors are. If criminals are eliminated in a society, people will live with happiness because most criminals disturb the communities. The government should also constitute all the freedoms and rights of the citizens. An effective system of government will enable the citizens to live happier lives free from crimes and discrimination. The fourth national interest that can make people happy is advance in technology. Access to communication and information technology should be done through the internet, cell phones and electronic media. All organization sectors should update all their activities on the internet to allow easy access by potential or new customers. The advertisements should be done through social and electronic media (Turkle, 2010). The government should ensure enough distribution of cell phones to citizens to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in communication. Cell phones can be as well be used in accessing social network sites and internet. Through the World Wide Web and Google, people can be able access information globally where people can acquire knowledge and skills. Information technology and cell phones can also help in making financial transactions or accessing other services. Advancement of technology in industries allows effectiveness and efficiency in the production process, which can lead to lower price of commodities. In general, the technology contributes happiness towards people’s lives. The fifth national interest that can build happiness among the people is good environmental sustainability by the business and the government. In most industries, there is a release of wastes after production. The wastes usually pollute the environment if not properly handled. The wastes from industries can pollute the land, air and water. It is the role of the company to treat the waste materials before releasing them into the environment. In most towns, there are many disposed wastes such as papers that make them dirty. It is the role of the government to provide litter bins in the town and city centers where the people can put the waste. When the litter bins get full, they should be drawn out and disposed in a central location free from human activities (Vezzoli & Manzini, 2008). The industries should find means of recycling contaminated fluids to avoid being released into the rivers, which can interfere with aquatic life, people and animals. Conclusively, there so many initiatives that the government should conduct or implement that can make people live with happiness. The land should be equally distributed among people to avoid the land conflicts. The government should also ensure all areas are supplied with enough water to cater for all citizens. Highways should be built to minimize congestion of vehicles, which may arise after some time. Technology assists in various ways where one can get information from the internet although some of should not be exposed to people aged 18 years and below. Defense and military forces should also be established to sustain order and peace within and outside the country. Businesses should be regulated by the government in order to control the rate of competition in place, which is a negative effect towards the economy. Every region should have a health center to provide health services to the people. Schools should also be built so that people can acquire education. People can live in happiness if all national interests are put into practice. References Banerjee, T. (2010). Companion to Urban design. New York: Routledge. Kane, J, & Patapan, H. (2014). Good Democratic Leadership: On Prudence and Judgment in Modern Democracies. Oxford Univ Pr. Rao, P. K. (2010). The architecture of green economic policies. Heidelberg: Springer. Turkle, S. (2010). Alone together: Why we expect more from technology and less from each other. New York: Basic Books. Vezzoli, C., & Manzini, E. (2008). Design for environmental sustainability. Berlin: Springer. Read More
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