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American Government and Politics Today - Essay Example

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The author of the current paper "American Government and Politics Today" will begin with the statement that in his work titled, ‘Popular Images of the President’, Greenstein strongly asserts that the president acts as a cognitive aid to the citizenry…
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American Government and Politics Today
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Americans hold closely similar conceptions about the presidency. First, the president features as the most convenient figure of politics. In this case, the citizens, especially young adults, derive cognitive concepts of politics by observing the president. On the other hand, children perceive the president as a father figure and a symbol of parental authority (Shelley 17). Therefore, citizens use the president and his office as a cognitive aid in understanding politics and unity.

Question 2

Within the White House workforce, there are numerous persons assuming distinct job titles. One of such job titles is that of the Press Secretary. A press secretary is among the most senior officials in the White House staff. Literally, a press secretary talks to the press (Shelley 52). Anyone assuming this title plays the role of a spokesperson. This means a press secretary tells the world of the president’s thoughts and reactions to domestic and international opinions. In addition, a press secretary delivers information about White House proceedings to the public.

Question 3

The permanent campaign is a term first coined by Patrick Caddell in 1976. In a letter written to President Carter, Caddell proposed a concept of the continuing campaign as opposed to short-term campaigns in politics. Consequently, the last three American presidents, including Obama, have stressed the concept of a permanent campaign in their terms. Technically, a permanent campaign refers to a situation where politicians initiate campaign projects as soon as an election is completed (Shelley 48). Instead of halting the campaign mood after an election, democrats and republicans engage in an extended battle for democratic thinking. Consequently, permanent campaigns have caused a situation where political goals held by individuals and parties become active throughout the periods between election exercises.

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