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Objectivity in the Eye of the Beholder - Assignment Example

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The paper 'Objectivity in the Eye of the Beholder' presents self-perceptions which arise from various sources such as environmental circumstances. People create self-perceptions depending on the situation they are in, and also how others perceive them…
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Objectivity in the Eye of the Beholder
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Question 2Imagine your friend is unaware of other people’s negative perceptions of him. Are you ethically bound to inform him? Why or why not? If so, what is the most appropriate way to do so?I am morally obliged to tell my friend about positive or negative perceptions about him. However, telling a friend about public perception about him is dependent on several issues. The closeness of the opinion-makers to him, the magnitude of the perception, and the positivity or negativity of the perceptions will be the main factors under considerations.

I would tell a friend if the perception about him is positive or is not so damaging if it is negative. People lose personal confidence if their ego is hurt by enlightenment about other perceptions about him.The most appropriate way to tell a friend is through reasoning similar situations with him to understand his reaction if it as his case. By doing this, I would understand the possible way to explain the perception about him without him developing negative emotions or perceptions about the people.

This is because he or she would be prepared to deal with such an incident.

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