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Discussion questions - Assignment Example

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A contemporary research conducted by Israeli scientists revealed that the corpus callosum is thicker in female than in male even at a very young stage…
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Discussion questions
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Discussion questions due: Battle of the Sexes Current studies have revealed that the brains of males and females are not the same both in the functioning and in appearance. A contemporary research conducted by Israeli scientists revealed that the corpus callosum is thicker in female than in male even at a very young stage of development that is as early as 26 weeks of pregnancy. From the study, this area remains stronger in females even in adulthood. This reveals that females are superior in language functioning in both sides of their brain, unlike their male counterparts.

Another recent study on how the brain of males and females process language revealed that females process information in both the left and right hemispheres, as opposed to males who only process information in the left hemisphere. This proves that females possess strong language and motor skills as compared to males. As it takes about six years earlier to mature in girls than in boys. However, another study revealed that areas of the brain involved in mathematics and geometry mature earlier in males than in females, approximately four years (Feature, n.d.).

Although the male brain is bigger as compared to that of the female, women are prevailing in the language skills. This is because of the significant percentage of white matter than in males, which connects different parts of the brain. This is a competing factor with the superb spatial skills that males possess. A study revealed that males use the left hippocampus during navigational tasks, making them better in it. In addition, women are better in controlling their emotions, as opposed to their male counterparts.

Even though female and male brains are distinct, they both are dominant in various fields making each of them superior in the ages-old “Battle of the Sexes."Walking in the dark with plugged earsWalking in the dark with my ears plugged with foam earplugs was the most difficult. I felt as though I was not really on earth, I had a strange feeling that I would fall anytime, I lost my self confidence and self reliance, in addition, I felt as though I was socially isolated and unsafe due to being half blind and plugging my ears.

I felt as though I lacked my balance, thus making the walk difficult. I was clumsy, stumbled, had difficulty walking straight, wanted to hold on to something for support, and I was sensitive to changes in the walking surfaces. In addition to all this, my head was in a tilted position. The absence of my hearing made this experiment difficult due to fear of the unknown. Walking with my ears not closed was comfortable and far much easier and better. This is based on the fact that even though I was half-blind, my sense of hearing gave me the opportunity to be aware of my environment and hence I felt safer.

Apple juice experimentI felt as though juice from glass A tasted very differently. I found the taste to be disgusting as that of the food color. The food color overrode the natural taste of the apple juice according to my findings, as my mind was already biased and preferred the natural apple juice in glass B, which has no food coloring. When I repeated this experiment with a friend, who was not aware of the food color spike, glass A was preferred over glass B. In fact, she said that she liked glass A more as it was colorful, and glass B seemed boring and dull in appearance.

I am convicted that the reason for this choice was solely the influence of the eye to the mind. According to my friend, glass A tasted better than B because it was more colorful and enticing. Hence, the mind interpreted it to be more nutritious, appetizing, healthy, and sweet.ReferenceFeature, W. (n.d.). How Male and Female Brains Differ. WebMD. Retrieved March 27, 2014,from

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