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Susbstances, Freud, and Prejudice - Essay Example

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The depressants alter the state of consciousness through decreasing the receptive stimulation, while the stimulants increase the motor activity,…
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Susbstances, Freud, and Prejudice
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Substances, Freud, and Prejudice Grade (17th, Oct. Substances, Freud, and Prejudice Question How the use of substances alters a person’s state of consciousnessSubstances alter a person’s state of consciousness through increasing or reducing reception and motor activity in the brain. The depressants alter the state of consciousness through decreasing the receptive stimulation, while the stimulants increase the motor activity, receptive stimulation and emotions thus making an individual more active (Tart, 1969).

On the other hand, Hallucinogens affects perceptions and influences the mood of an individual, thus causing delusion. Substances affects neurotransmitters through affecting the way information is transmitted by the neurons within the brain cells, through either blocking or stimulating the synapse, thus affecting how signals flow from one cell to the other (Tart, 1969). Substances also affect chemicals through increasing or reducing the amounts of such chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin, which are necessary for information transmission between nerve cells (Tart, 1969).

The moods of an individual, behavior, body posture and stability can tell whether an individual is under the influence of substances. Question 2:Concept of the unconscious refers to things that do not easily cause alertness (Kline, 1995). The outward cognitive abilities of individuals can be reduced through drugs and substances use, while increasing the inward tractable process, thus reducing the tension between the innate person and the discrepancies on the outside world (Kline, 1995). It is beneficial for much of our behavior to be unconscious when we are de-motivated, since the unconscious is the source of motivation (Kline, 1995).

Unconscious is not beneficial when it triggers motivations that are uncontrollable. An individual cannot recognize conscious behavior within himself/herself and even in others, when much of his behavior is unconscious. One would know a behavior was unconsciously driven, if the behavior starts as a need and is then transformed into a desire, an instinct or a wish (Kline, 1995).Question 3:There was a time we absconded class as group when in high school, not willingly, but as a result of pressure from my peers that made me defy my instincts.

It disturbed me more that evening, when I learnt we were to face disciplinary action. That caused me a lot of anxiety, and I could not concentrate at home. However, I made all attempts to block such thought, to avoid the parents learning what had happened. I have learnt that such attempt to do away with real threatening situation is an ego defense mechanism called denial (Saladin, 2009). I have learnt to follow my instincts, to avoid being in a state of denial later on. Question 4:Prejudice develops when an individual is perceived to have a difference from others, based on different aspects (Holloway, 2009).

Prejudice can be supported in families or workplace by pointing out the different aspects that the individual holds from others. I do not think I am free from prejudice, because there must a personality aspect that I possess, which depicts a difference. This can be a reason for being prejudiced. Conformity is a major cause of prejudice that needs to be changed, so that people can be diverse, and their differences made worth appreciating. ReferencesHolloway, P. A. (2009). Coping with prejudice: 1 Peter in social-psychological perspective.

Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck. Kline, P. (1995). Psychology and Freudian Theory. Routledge: London.Saladin, S. (2009). Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function. McGraw Hill.Tart, C. T. (1969). Altered States of Consciousness: A Book of Readings. New York: Wiley.

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