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Characteristic Features of Supportive Organizations - Essay Example

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The paper "Characteristic Features of Supportive Organizations" outlines such features as satisfaction and motivation of the organizational personnel, immense engagement of the workers in the organizational activities, top management’s involvement of the workers into the decision-making, etc…
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Characteristic Features of Supportive Organizations
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Employees’ satisfaction is one of the prime goals of supportive organizations, which is achieved by providing the employees with a work environment that is free of discrimination and racism, and where mutual respect is cultivated among the employees. “Forgetting best of his work performance, the gap between ability and willingness has to be filled which helps in improving the level of performance of subordinates” (Management Study Guide, 2012).

Top management plays a very important role in it by forming groups and task forces, assigning them tasks, and implementing strategies directed at the minimization of interpersonal conflicts. Employees find frequent opportunities for personal and professional growth in supportive organizations. These organizations provide their employees with training and education to enhance the skills required at the workplace, while the cost of education and training is borne by the organization.

In addition to this, supportive organizations may sponsor higher education of their employees if the need arises. Supportive organizations openly involve the employees in surveys and discussions. “If you take employee groups offsite to participate in surveys and focus groups, you are sending a clear message that it is not “safe” to talk about employee satisfaction in the company. This is exactly the opposite of the message that you really want to send” (Heathfield, 2012, p. 1). All of these measures play an important role in building a relationship of trust between the organization and the employees so that they feel associated with the organization and can relate to it as a family.

How to Become a Supportive Organization?
Five ways in which an organization can move up the scale in the way of becoming a supportive organization are as follows:
1. Arranging education and training to enhance the skills of the workers and customize their existing skills to the needs of the organization.
2. Linking good performance to a higher position, increased salary, and more benefits so that the workers feel intrinsically motivated to give their best in the work.
3. Implementing well-researched and carefully designed strategies of conflict management to ensure that workers are provided with an environment where they can work in mutual harmony.
4. Making the workforce culturally diverse not only enables the workers to learn working in a culturally diverse environment but also to generate the message that the organization supports and appreciates cultural diversity.
5. Providing employees with full technical support to help them accomplish their tasks. To achieve this, top management needs to invest in IT and provide the employees with 24/7 technical support. Read More
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