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Mental Health as a Genetic Disorder - Essay Example

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The essay "Mental Health as a Genetic Disorder" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the evaluation of mental health. Mental health entails a fundamental part of every stage in human health and may refer to the absence of a mental disorder…
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Mental Health as a Genetic Disorder
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? Mental Health Introduction Mental health entails a fundamental part of every stage in human health and may refer to the absence of a mental disorder or the attainment of a specified degree of psychological soundness. Specifically, the World Health Organization refers to mental health as a state of complete physical, emotional, mental, psychological, and social well-being (WHO, 2013). Indeed, mental health comprises of the promotion of well-being, the curbing of mental disorders, and the treatment and control of the victims of mental disorders. As such, mental health influences our thinking, our moods, our association with others, our feelings, how we handle stress, how we make decisions, and our behavior (Savy & Sawyer, 2009). Notably is the fact that mental disorders are rampant in the world. Indeed, approximately 450 million people suffer from mental disorders with mental disorders forming about 14% of the global burden of disease (WHO, 2013). Nevertheless, there is available treatment for mental disorders. Furthermore, the WHO and other organizations establish a noble program that creates awareness, assists with proper care, psychosocial assistance, and medication to the victims. Indeed, the World Mental Health Day suffices on 10th of October every year. Ideally, we should also address the causes of mental disorders, which include genetic disorder, biological factors, life experiences, or family history (Medline Plus, 2013). Mental Health as a Genetic Disorder Many scientists reckon that numerous mental disorders emanate from genetic disorders and complex interplay of multiple genes. Traditionally, there was a belief that major mental disorders share certain genetic glitches. Actually, mental health disorders follow the family lineage thus proposing a genetic link to the occurrence and existence of mental health disorders. The major mental health disorders that relate to genetic disorder include schizophrenia (Savy & Sawyer, 2009), autism, depression, bipolar disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Actually, major genetic studies of mental illnesses establish that the five mental disorders may be distinct but share some gene-based risks. Mostly, the genetic studies on mental health use genetic risk factors and genetic variations to deduce mental health as a genetic disorder. Notably, the researchers established that victims of any of the five mental disorders were more prone to possess suspect genetic variation at the same four chromosomal sites. Indeed, they derived illness-linked variation for all five disorders in specified regions of chromosomes 3 and 10. The genetic variations in the two genes responsible for coding the cellular machinery that regulates the flow of calcium into neurons is fundamental in drawing the relationship between mental health and genetic disorder (Cross-Disorder Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, 2013). The genetic variation in the CACNA1C gene that is traditionally prone to schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression equally affects the brain circuitry that regulates human thinking, attention, emotions, and memory (National Institutes of Health, 2013). Notably, these are same aspects that mental disorder disrupts and hence the connection between mental health and genetic disorder. Moreover, the chromosomal site called 3p21 entails suspect genetic variations that associate with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia thus generating the strongest link between mental health and genetic disorder. On the other hand, genetic variation on CACNB2, a calcium channel gene relates to mental illness as it leads to alterations in calcium-channel signaling thus propagating serious psychological problems that relate to mental health (National Institutes of Health, 2013). Mental Health as a Result from the Environment Over the years, researchers believed that Mental Health and mental disorders arise from a combination of genetic variations and environmental factors. Indeed, factors that determine mental health and well-being relate to individual attributes and social circumstances that reside in the environment that individual find themselves in (WHO, 2012). Ideally, the environmental factors that determine one’s mental health and well-being may include pharmaceutical and illicit drugs, exposure to toxins, personal life circumstances and history, nutritional deficiencies (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2007). Additionally, exposure to distress, coping skills, family history of illness, workplace stress, personality, availability of social support, and other psychosocial conditions (Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 2012) also affect mental health. The interplay of these environmental factors determines the mental health of an individual. For example, adverse social experiences like being a rape victim would lead to psychosocial stress thus affecting their mental well-being. Moreover, when a company forces an employee to work for long hours beyond their coping abilities and available resources, this will bring negative effects on the mental state of the employee. Notably, environmental factors generate stress that subsequently affects the mental well-being of an individual. However, an environmental factor like taking illicit drugs and exposure to toxic substances would significantly affect the brain cells thus leading to more severe cases of mental illness. Compare and Contrast It is quite clear that mental health is reliant on both the environment and the genetic disorders. Indeed, the complex interplay of the two factors propagates cases of mental disorder. As such, both factors are significant in determining mental well-being and scientists have done various studies to establish the link between mental health and the environment and the genetic disorders. Notably, cases of genetic disorders are more complex and fundamental as compared to environmental factors on mental health. Genetic disorders are equally more reliable and accurate than environmental factors. More so, it is quite challenging to control genetic disorders with reference to mental health as compared to environmental factors that are easy to regulate and dependent on human behavior and choices. Moreover, while environmental factors produce primal reactions to mental health like psychosocial stress, genetic disorders generates fundamental effects that define out light mental illness. However, whether mental disorder is due to environmental factors or genetic disorders, it attracts international attention and has treatment. Conclusion In conclusion, I find that mental health is a serious health issue that affects all communities all over the world. Indeed, mental disorders form 14 % of the global disease burden with about 450 million people suffering from mental disorders. As such, mental health attracts world’s attention through the WHO and other organizations. Notably, mental health has serious effect in the way we behave, think, interact, handle stress, and feel. There are various causes of mental disorder, which include genetic disorder, biological factors, and the environment. Nevertheless, mental illness is treatable. References Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. (2012). What is mental health? Retrieved from: Cross-Disorder Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium. (2013). Identification of risk loci with shared effects on five major psychiatric disorders: a genome-wide analysis. Retrieved from: Medline Plus. (2013). Mental Health. Retrieved from: National Center for Biotechnology Information. (2007). Environmental Connections: A Deeper Look into Mental Illness. Retrieved from: National Institutes of Health. (2013). Common Genetic Factors Found in 5 Mental Disorders. Retrieved from: Savy, P., & Sawyer A. (2009). Mental illness: Understandings Experience and Service' Provision. In Germov, J., & Hornosty, J (Ed), Second Opinion: An Introduction to Health Sociology (pp. 269-287). South Melbourne: Oxford University Press. WHO. (2012). Risks to mental health: an overview of vulnerabilities and risk factors. Retrieved from: WHO. (2013). Mental health: strengthening our response. 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