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Combating the Human Immunodeficiency Virus - Essay Example

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This essay "Combating the Human Immunodeficiency Virus" considers the factors that cause women to acquire HIV infection. In order to do so secondary research was considered, in the wake of drawing conclusions journal articles, authentic web pages, and books were consulted…
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Combating the Human Immunodeficiency Virus
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? Combating the Enemy Table of Contents Combating the Enemy 1 ’s Name] 1 [Course Name] 1 [Date] 1 Table of Contents 2 Combating the Enemy 3 Introduction 3 Background and context of the study 3 Existing Research and Theory 4 Recognizing the Enemy 4 Factors that Activate the Enemy 4 The War Begins 6 Origins the Enemy 7 General view 7 Research Question 10 Research Method 10 Results 11 Discussion 17 Limitations of Study 17 List of References 18 Combating the Enemy Introduction Background and context of the study HIV is one of the fatal viruses that ever existed on the face of earth. Many of the HIV positive patients die leaving doctors baffled every year. Human Immunodeficiency Virus is infects a person leaving him or her physically and mentally distressed. In Nigeria, the deadly virus affects an estimated 3.6% of population. It is essential to high light here that Nigeria has a lower rate of prevalence of HIV aids as compared to other African countries such as Zambia and South Africa. The facts in Nigeria are alarmingly high. The most prominent causes of Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Nigeria is homosexuality, prostitution, and lack of funds to cope with the increasing problem. The following paper considers the underlying factors that cause the women to acquire HIV infection. In order to do so secondary research was considered, in the wake of drawing conclusions journal articles, authentic web page, and books available online were consulted. Nevertheless, the report will also reveal the areas of study that surfaced as neglected during the research. The paper will also take in to consideration the recent statistics and will put some light on the already existing programs that are working towards controlling Human immunodeficiency virus in Nigeria. However, it is crucial to reveal information that highlights the historic background and the causes of AIDs in Nigeria prior to highlighting details from the news papers and the work done in order to fight the virus. This will help the reader to be familiar with the fatality attached to the virus and the reader will be able to gain a better understanding of the effort required. Existing Research and Theory Recognizing the Enemy Aids is an incurable virus that must be recognized for the purpose of preventing the acquirement of virus. Aids stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and the concluding stage caused by the virus is called HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This deadly virus causes a severe and irreversible damage to the immune system. HIV is characterized by the changes in the rates of T-cell population. The purpose of a T-Cell is to fight against the infection and malignancies. A person infected by the HIV has a weak immune system; that is the population of the T-cell lymphocytes that play a substantial role in the defense system of the human body weakens; leaving the patient susceptible to the opportunistic infections and certain malignancies (Mandal 2012). However, it is no necessary that a person who is suffering from HIV has Aids. Although the virus progresses and turns in to Aids eventually but the process or transition takes approximately 10 to 12 years before the virus turns in to Aids. If the virus is detected earlier with the help of blood tests, the medication can slow the process of transition to Aids. With the help of treatment, many patients are able to live an active life style (Web MD 2012). Factors that Activate the Enemy The most common way HIV spread is through unprotected sex careless usage of previous used needles by HIV infected patient and inappropriate blood screening before a blood transfusion or before the blood is drawn in the blood banks. It is important to highlight that a patient can pass the virus to another person without showing the symptoms of the virus. People with the virus are more infectious in the initial weeks of acquiring the virus (NHS 2012). Nevertheless following are the main causes of HIV around the world: Sexual Contact: Unprotected, vaginal, and anal sex is one of the leading causes of the HIV transmission. Although there have been instances where oral sex has also been a reason for catching the HIV if one of the partners is infected with the virus. However, catching the virus through such a route has lower chances. Nevertheless, while having oral sex if the blood semen or vaginal fluid is passed in to the body of the other person the chances are that the HIV can be passed on. Another way that can cause the HIV to pass from the infected person to the one who is clean of the virus is through sharing sex toys (NHS 2012). Breast feeding: HIV can be passed from a mother to a baby through breast feeding if the mother is infected with the virus. Sharing drug needles: Sharing dirty needles with an infected person also causes the virus to transfer (NHS 2012). However, it is important to mention that the HIV does not survive outside the body; therefore sharing utensils kissing hugging and casual contact does not let the virus spread from one person to another. Nevertheless, the other ways HIV can enter the body of a human is through: Sores and cuts in the skins. Thin lining on or inside the anus and genitals. Thin lining of the mouth and eyes (NHS 2012). Factors that do not let a person catch HIV from one person to another include: Spitting. Kissing. Being bitten. Contact with unbroken healthy skin. Being sneezed on. Sharing baths towels or cutlery. Using the same toilets and swimming pools. Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Contact with animals or insects such as mosquitoes (NHS 2012). The War Begins HIV infection may not show any symptoms at all until defending cells in the body lose the war with the virus altogether. However those who do show symptoms may portray symptoms of flu or mono nevertheless the initial common symptoms include: Fever Headache Sore throat Muscle aches and joint pains Swollen glands Skin rash Nonetheless, the symptoms may appear to come and go in the time span of few days or 2-3 weeks. After the initial symptoms fade away there may not be any symptoms at all for many years. Thus to lack of diagnosis and treatment the virus continues to grow in the body of the individual. However after certain point the symptoms reappear with a visibility and seem exist in a continual cycle. These symptoms include: Swollen lymph nodes. Weight loss Extreme tiredness. Fever Night sweats. Thus, if the doctor fails to diagnose and find any other reason or ailment than the HIV is suspected and the tests are run to confirm the virus in order to proceed with the required treatment. Nevertheless the treatment is not to cure but to prolong the symptoms of the growing virus. That is the virus fights with the virus and keeps the immune system strong to keep fighting HIV (Web MD 2012). Origins the Enemy General view The origins of the HIV virus remains controversial for the there remains a conflict between the scientists as to how the virus was transmitted in to the human body initially. Most of the people believe that the origin of HIV took its roots from the natural evolutionary event. However the most common theories that are considered true is the Cut Hunter Theory that emphasizes that an African allegedly received a wound while preparing a chimpanzee who carried the similar virus. Nevertheless, recent research and the scientific evidence suggest that HIV virus may not have happened the way it is theorized. Nevertheless, before considering the controversial debate it is imperative to high light the study that agrees with the usually believed theory (Origin of AIDs 2002). Initially scientists believed that the HIV was contracted through chimpanzees. Nevertheless many scientists today believe that the Simian Immunodeficiency Virus was not contracted from chimpanzees to become HIV-1 in humans in fact it was contracted from monkeys. The research suggests that it was a group of viruses that jumped from one monkey to another. It made its way in to a chimpanzee because the chimpanzees feed on monkeys. Thus the virus when transmitted to chimpanzees turned in to a hybrid virus. Since chimpanzees have a DNA structure in resemblance with humans it was easily transferable to humans that later become HIV (Lovgren 2003). However, what remains questionable and intriguing is that there no answer to few questions. One of them is how did the monkeys acquired the virus? Although research shows that chimpanzees have contracted the virus naturally while the monkeys contracted the virus from some unknown reasons and sources. Another baffling point that surfaces is that monkeys had the virus since many years but the virus transfer in chimps seems to be more recent (Lovgren 2003). Nevertheless, scientists now believe that the virus was initially injected in to humans and animals. It is today, seen as a laboratory generated virus. Although the virus is laboratory generated there is no cure for the virus. However, with the help of early diagnoses and treatment, patients can improve their way of living and prolong their life; but the virus continues to exist in a human body (Cantwell 2012; Origin of AIDs 2012). The first two cases that surfaced in Nigeria were in 1985 and were reported in International AIDS Conference in 1986. However in 1987 the health sector of Nigeria established the national AIDS advisory committee which was followed by another formation committee which was named National Expert Advisory Committee on AIDS (NEACA). Initially the response of government of Nigeria to HIV seemed slow; nonetheless in 1991 the Federal Ministry of Health made their first attempt to examine the situation of HIV and AIDS in Nigeria. The results revealed that 1.8% of the population of Nigeria was infected with the deadly virus of AIDS. The surveillance reports indicated that during 1990s HIV prevalence increased from 3.8% in 1993 to 5.4% in 1999. After reaching a peak of 5.8% in 2001 HIV prevalence then declined progressively throughout the decade (Avert 2012). Although there have been many efforts exerted by the government however there are a number of factors that contribute in the prevalence of HIV. The factors that contribute to the prevalence of AIDS in Nigeria are the following: Heterosexual sex: In Nigeria 80% of HIV infections are caused by heterosexual sex. The major factor that contributes to this is a lack of information about sexual health and HIV. The people in Nigeria have very low knowledge of the use of condoms due to which varied diseases are transmitted sexually among individuals. The statistics in Nigeria revealed that 56% of women aged 15 and above in 2009 were affected by HIV (Avert 2012). Blood Transfusion: The second largest reason for the prevalence of HIV in Nigeria is through unsafe blood accounts. Not all the hospitals in Nigeria have technology that can effectively screen the blood for viruses (Avert 2012). Mother to child transmission: Every year around 75000 babies are born with HIV. It is estimated that 360000 children are living with HIV in the country; most of them became infected while still in their mother’s womb. The people in Nigeria who are considered most at risk are sex workers gays and those who share needles while taking drugs (Avert 2012). Lack of sex education: In Nigeria talking about sex is a forbidden or secretive topic. Due to which reasons people are not aware of the protective measures that can be taken during sex (Avert 2012). Research Question As per the existing research, the question that surfaces is that: what efforts do media exert in removing HIV from the society? Thus, in order to do so certain news papers and statistics have been considered in the wake to examine impact that it has made over the years. Nevertheless, it is imperative to high light here that in order to research the above question there will also be certain questions that need to be answered and considered. These questions may include taking in to consideration the existing programs that are working to create awareness along with the media. The information above is projected towards educating the people of Nigeria about aids; and to pinpoint the leading factors that cause the virus. This will help in the research and will aid in deducing correctly formed programs that will eliminate or reduce the rate of infected people in the future. Research Method Many leading newspapers in the Nigeria today mention about aids and human Immunodeficiency virus. The newspaper papers that have been chosen for this paper are the Daily Sun This Day and Daily Trust. All of the chosen newspapers claim to provide news nationwide. Daily news is targeted to the young adults in the age bracket of 18-45 whereas other newspapers are targeted to different groups. Nevertheless all three newspapers contribute to the elimination of the Human Imunodeficiency Virus from the Nigerian Community by covering immensely in different ways. The three topics have been covered in this paper by the chosen newspapers. These are as follows: Homosexuality Funding gaps Prostitution Results The results showed that homosexuality, prostitution, and funding gaps were existent in Nigeria that has led to the increase in HIV. However, it also revealed that the media is working towards educating the people about HIV and the inform them of the underlying causes of HIV. Following are the newspapers along with the results they provided: Print Media and the Combat with HIV Daily Sun Usually the media in general does not have enough allowance to print openly about the issues related to sex; but the Daily sun manages to cover and educate its readers about sexual activities and it’s linkage with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The Daily Sun in 2011 published news announcing that the government of Nigeria has banned the gay and lesbian relationships to the extent where the couples if caught living together will be killed under the bill passed to ban such relationships and activities (Daily Sun 2011). These relationships are on a rise in Nigeria especially gay relationships. Homosexuality around the world according to doctors is and research analysis proves that it is one of the leading causes of Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Nigeria's National Action Committee on AIDS (NACA) has accused the Homosexuals for an increase in the HIV virus among the people. As mentioned above in this academic paper that anal sex is one of the causes of HIV it is evident here that homosexuality is one of the causes in Nigeria for the increase in HIV infected people (Daily Sun 2011). Since the Daily Sun is a tabloid newspaper and targeted at the young adults it helps to contribute to the education of those who are growing. It helps in conditioning the minds of young people in terms of their sexual orientation and shuns their deviant behavior that is to do with same sex relationships. The articles in Daily Sun also provide the readers with the severe repercussions of such activities in the form of deadly virus (Daily Sun 2011). Moreover the newspaper articles also high light the government and the private efforts exerted by the people in Nigeria in order to combat the Virus. Daily Sun has been successful in fighting HIV and educating the readers. The major benefit of the newspapers continuous mention is that the readers are young adults and the impact of the paper will be more intense in the long run (Daily Sun 2011). The articles in the Daily sun seem to dig deeper in to problems as some of the articles covered the protests by the gays and lesbians against the bill passed by the government that bans the relationships of same sex. Many articles highlighted the fact that there are a growing number of people who are indulging in the homosexuality in Nigeria. This helps in the recognition of the problem may make its readers think and rethink about such activities. In directly Daily Sun educates its readers about the sex health (Daily Sun 2011). Daily Trust The second chosen newspaper for the analysis of the themes that are being enhanced and covered in the newspaper is Daily Trust. Undergoing a keen analysis of the newspaper Daily Trust determined that HIV AIDS has become prevalent in Nigeria because there is no avid treatment which can be provided to the increasing number of patients of HIV AIDS. It should be noted that prostitution in terms of AIDS is the main concern which is evident from the articles being published in the Daily Trust newspaper. As the coverage analysis proceeded it was also observed that the newspaper articles were seemingly open its way to discuss HIV AIDS in an in depth manner. The concern of HIV AIDS as spreading among the wider population due to the increased prostitution activities has merely been a core subject in the newspaper which has allowed the readers to provide their opinion in the editorial section. This can be considered as a constructive stance of journalism in newspaper through the context of the Daily Trust newspaper. Since the feedback was openly being published for the readers to understand thus it can be said that the newspaper has contributed in the tackling of issue of AIDS. Also considering the stance of the newspaper to help tackling the issue of AIDS is not wholesome because the newspaper still continues to keep a track of the elucidations that are being written as policy. The government and federally institutions are held liable by the newspaper for the lack of action for the patients of HIV AIDS. The concern of the newspaper in terms of governmental association regarding HIV AIDS spread is not just limited to the critical address to progress but more of neutral agenda setting (Daily Trust 2012). As it is evident that newspapers play a vital role in the agenda setting among members of the society considering HIV AIDS being spread from the prostitution should also be considered as a significant agenda. Daily Trust has however implied the significance of agenda setting regarding HIV AIDS being spread by the prostitution there is still a need of other newspapers in a coalition to spread the word (Daily Trust 2012). The stand of the Daily Trust newspaper seems to be very effective in terms of its application in articulation. There are facts and statistical information being presented for the readers weekly. The fact remains that the prostitution is still difficult to evacuate from the Nigerian region. The purpose behind a limited reach of the articles to the facts and the faces involved in prostitution remains a difficult task for the Nigerian journalists because of the fear of mafias. It is merely because prostitution has allowed a minor population to make money out of it as there are limited employment chances for Nigerians. In a way it can be said that the press of Nigeria is not free enough to unveil the people who are behind the causes of AIDS (Daily Trust 2012). Another aspect which is visible from the HIV AIDS coverage of the Daily Trust is the call for help from the international institutions. Seemingly there have been a number of states that have been providing help to the Nigerian medical institutions. The shortfall that has been noted in such aid or help is that these institutions are not able to figure out the need of help in continuity. The medical aid being sent by the developed countries of the world to Nigeria is limited in number which does not allow the increasing population diseased with HIV AIDS. For this purpose the Daily Trust has remarked the call for help over and over though its international articulation reaches (Daily Trust 2012). Taking the coverage of HIV AIDS by the Daily trust it can be said that Nigerian people are willing to take a step towards development and betterment but they lack resources. The journalistic approach of a journalist is to reflect the norms and the values of society to the masses. This is an achieved glory of Daily Trust but the need to remove lack of resources can only be met with the help of interest shown by the stakeholders. The capitalistic view remains daunting to make a quicker development. Thus it is suggested that the newspapers are able to revive an agenda that will motivate the stakeholders or in simpler words the business extension options for the stakeholders so that they can also give their financial help for the maintenance of medical institutions for the elucidations of AIDS in Nigeria. This Day As already evaluated that in Nigeria there is an increasing risk of HIV/AIDS among the adults between 15 to 49 years old. The percentage of the affected people is 3.9 which appear threatening the situation. One of the leading Nigerian newspapers is ThisDay that has been covering the issue of HIV very appropriately in order to keep the population aware of the emerging threats of the HIV spread. The newspaper has covered the issues like funding gaps at the governmental level in Nigeria. On the other hand the newspaper highlights that the Director General of National Council on AIDS (NACA) has emphasized on the funding gaps faced by Nigeria that is around N700 billion. The sub Saharan population of Africa is found being affected by the circumstances more than any other region which is because of the lack of awareness among the people. The paper has also highlights the statistics of the affected population of Nigeria in which it is estimated that around 300,000 number of people fall into the disease of HIV on yearly basis that is the consequence of improper spread of awareness among the population (ThisDay 2012). Therefore, it has been found that Global Fund can serve in removing the funding gaps in Nigeria though better awareness programs can result effectively to serve the population. As prostitution and homosexuality are one of the leading causes of the HIV/AIDS; thus funding gaps are required to be removed in order to serve the disastrous social situation of the region. In this situation role of the stakeholders in sustaining the funding issues must be gone through so that major aspects have to be covered by the governmental and other concerned authorities. According to a senior of Global Fund his organization budgeted $1.3 billion to serve the mission. However appropriate implementation of the plan has triggered the situation to be more declined in terms of health related threats faced by Nigeria. The overall amount was not issued for HIV; nevertheless $200 million was reserved for malaria from $1.3 billion. The newspaper has also covered the issue that Nigeria should not rely on the donors but it needs to generate the funds by itself so that better implementation of the planning can be done (ThisDay 2012). The funding gaps in the fight against Nigeria are actually the threatening aspects because they may deteriorate the position of health related authorities of the region. Additionally there is also an ongoing controversial debate in Nigeria that the funds are enough to support the program of fight against Nigeria and there are no such severe funding gaps but there is a lack of planning and appropriate infrastructure. This notion has not been taken popular position among the people but it has raised some questions to suspect the authorities. On the other hand it has also been observed that the journalists of ThisDay rely on the releases of the official sources along with so that they may add prestige to the story. The journalists are required to collect information from the health experts and from those who work in this area of health. The views and stances of the governmental officials are also supportive to understand the situation clearly. Therefore it can be said that until the clear portrayal of the situation is covered by the media truth behind the situation cannot be extracted (ThisDay 2012). In case if funding gaps exist within the considered region of Nigeria there is a need to make a separate body of monitoring that will be evaluating the situation fairly to serve the health in Nigeria. Each aspect related to funding is supposed to be handled by that authority in which from fund collection to the distribution everything should be critically monitored. Moreover, the authority is also required to do the post planning of the programs of fight against the HIVs in terms of fund collection. Many of the people believe that funding gaps cannot be removed unless Nigeria seeks to generate its own money to serve the awareness programs. The newspaper has highlighted the stance many times to aware the people about the worth of own generated fund. Therefore, ThisDay is found raising the issue of funding gaps as a hurdle in running the awareness programs for fight against HIV/AIDS very critically. One of the most crucial aspects of the scenario is the relationship of Nigeria with South Africa in overcoming the situation. Thus the authorities are found inclined to approach the South African authorities to support them in such critical circumstances (ThisDay 2012). Thus, in order to conclude the news papers are although restricted to talk about sex and sex related news openly yet they manage to educate the Nigerians. That has helped in bringing the rates of HIV infected patients down on the statistical graphs. Many other news papers in Nigeria today have went open about the problem and education of sex as well. Discussion Each of the findings above revealed that prostitution, homosexuality, and lack funds are the reasons for the galloping rates of HIV in Nigeria. It also showed that these could be handled and the HIV could be reduced in the future, nevertheless, what remains uncovered and not researched upon is the removal of prostitution and shunning of homosexuality acts. Although removing prostitution is from the society is an impossible idea, however it can be reduced. Limitations of Study However, immense research was carried out in order to deduce the results, yet the study remains limited for is solely relies upon the secondary research. Given, the kind of culture Nigeria possesses, it is difficult to deduce any programs that may be aimed at educating masses, relying on the above information. Recommendations of Further Study The area that requires research and study is the area of culture. Many newspapers have been exerting efforts but they have failed to leave bigger impact. Thus in order to have an in impact on the Nigerian masses it is necessary to study the culture, deduce, and form programs that are applicable upon the masses. List of References Avert 2012. HIV and AIDS in Nigeria. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 December 2012]. Cantwell A. 2012. More Evidence HIV Was Made At Ft. Detrick. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 23 December 2012]. Daily Sun 2011. Headline: Nigeria's "Daily Sun" Warns "Homosexuals in Trouble". [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 December 2012]. Daily Trust 2012. New WHO rep confronts Nigeria health gaps. Daily Trust 20 December. p.Online. Lovgren S. 2003. HIV Originated With Monkeys Not Chimps Study Finds. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 December 2012]. Mandal.A. 2012. What is HIV/AIDS? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2012 December 2012]. NHS 2012. HIV and AIDS - Causes. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 December 2012]. Origin of AIDs 2002. The Origin of AIDS and HIV May Not Be What You Have Learned. [Online] Available at [Accessed 21 December 2012]. Origin of AIDs 2012. Origin of AIDs. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 23 December 2012]. ThisDay 2012. HIV: NACA Bemoans N700bn Funding Gap in Nigeria. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 December 2012]. Web MD 2012. HIV & AIDS Health Center. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 December 2012]. Read More
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