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Epicurus Stand on the Psychological Egoism - Essay Example

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This essay focuses on Epicurus’ stand on the psychological egoism is something the writer tends to agree with him as personal interests are paramount in everything people do. Having associated with people from different walks the writer must say that psychological egoism holds a truth in it…
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Epicurus’ Stand on the Psychological EgoismI have read several works by Feinberg’s and the way he puts his thoughts across is totally convincing and reasonable. Epicurus’ stand on the psychological egoism is something I tend to agree with him as personal interests are paramount in everything people do. Having associated with people of different walks of life both in college and at my area of residence, I must say that psychological egoism hold truth in it. A student will work hard to ensure that he passes his papers not because it is only good to pass, but because he wants to secure a smart nice paying job in future that will grant him all the happiness academic excellence can offer.

The parents will be happy with the student but his joy is when he gets that particular.I concur as well with his ethical egoism reasoning. Think of even the altruism shown by Mother Theresa. Though I have respect for the deeds of Mother Theresa, she did what she did precisely to appease her God whom demands that she be caring and at the end of the day she will be sure of inheritance of the goodies of eternity. Everybody will want to do something that he will be recognized of and this validates the ideal of civilized self-interest.

The benefit attached to the conduct may vary and it’s this difference that defines different personalities. For Mother Theresa, she was divinely driven while to others they may be driven by other factorsDespite all the facts outlined, egoism is hard to prove and this is the major reason why criticism is unavoidable. Amazingly, I believe that these two phenomenons are evident on everybody. There are times when features of psychological egoism will be seen in somebody and this does do not shield portrayal of ethical egoism.

It is harder even to take a stand on the two.

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