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Leisure of the basis of culture - Essay Example

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The late Germany philosopher, Joseph Pieper, wrote this title during the post-WWII period. This was probably after he had observed that the twentieth century population in the West…
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Leisure of the basis of culture
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I would therefore, recommend this book to all people who live to work and do not work to live. This will challenge them to take a break, and ponder on the beauty of life, which is not found in their work, but in meaningful leisure. I agree with all the claims made by Pieper in this book, as these are instances I experience every day, happening to me and to the people around me. Today, there is hardly time for leisure, as most people use every bit of their time in moneymaking activities, in order to live a comfortable life, which they have prioritized.

Pieper does not condone this kind of lifestyle, but instead argues that people should find value in life by setting aside time for leisure, as it is also an important component of living. When talking about leisure and emphasizing its importance, Pieper was not portraying himself as a hedonist, as he talked about a different kind of leisure, and not what most people, especially the youth know about leisure. I agree with Pieper’s view of a different kind of leisure. Today, when someone mentions the word “leisure,” what rings in the minds of most young people is drinking, partying, dancing, watching television, and going for holidays, among other such entertainment.

Pieper considers leisure to be that peaceful time a person has rest and finds time to pray, time to appreciate nature and all existence, time to make scientific discoveries, time to write music and literature, time to study a favourite topic, and time to produce art work. According to Pieper’s definition of leisure, one might understand that leisure is doing what a person loves doing most. However, these activities must add value to a person’s being. As opposed to entertainment, such as dancing, the real leisure does not lead to exhaustion or monotony.

Pieper was right on this. From my personal experience, I can attest to this. I love reading educational and

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