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The Hardness of Hard Treatment - Assignment Example

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This assignment "The Hardness of Hard Treatment" discusses some of the positive and negative constraints according to Kleinig’s point of view of the prisoners subjected to punishments. In that case, Kleinig views imprisonment as a form of reforming one's villainous character or immoral habit…
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? The Hardness of Hard Treatment College Kileinig has differentiated imprisonment method of punishment from detention. He has categorized imprisonment as the modern punishment to the offenders. It has superseded the various traditional forms of legal punishment. Additionally, it has replaced the major unquestionable criminal justice resource. According to Kleinig, this kind of prison punishment has reached a crisis proportions which has made many communities lack the ability to withstand the prison resources demand. The eighteenth century corporal punishment was done through the offender’s body. In the nineteenth century, the imprisonment move was merged with other penalties that prompted the decrease of the human rights. This was a response to the wrongdoers. In that case, Kleinig views imprisonment as a form of reforming ones villainous character or immoral habit. Below are the some of positive and negative constraints according to the kleinig’s point of view of the prisoners subjected to punishments. Kleinig has found that cruelty inflicts physical pain on the prisoners. This has been extremely exaggerated to the general suffering of these people. He argues that such actions which come in with cruelty are imposed to these people to cause aguish and fear in them for the respect of the department stuff. Some of these cruel activities done to the prisoners may end up to injuries either mentally or physically. Kleinig believe that both individuals and institutions are cruel to the prisoners. According to the research, many deaths that are reported from the prisons are caused by the prisoners themselves. In that case, he has notified that though punishments are given to rectify and rehabilitate the wrongdoers, being cruelty would be excessive punishment which would not be helpful but only destroying. This would also limit the people to achieving the goals that are accepted in the social life. According to Kleinig, both cruelties to sentient and rational sentient is an act of dehumanizing. On the other hand, the cruelty suffering undergone by the prisoners tends to undermine their human distinctiveness which acts as their capacity for appraisal. On the other hand, many individuals and institutions tent to give unusual punishments such as boiling them in oil, quartering or drawing them or burning them on their stakes. In such case, kleinig has found such act to be unusual and cruel hence dehumanizing. According to Klenig, though the prisoners should adhere to the punishments given to them, they should be permitted to have the human dignity. Even though are not given the time to exercise their human rights, human dignity is fundamental to all human beings. In that chase, he argues that the prison institutions should express the non humiliation which is so common among the prison institutions, in order to avoid prisoners’ rejection from the human common wealth. Kleinig also tackles chaining of the prisoners. He says that this is humiliating them and expresses in humane. On the other hand, Kleinig, touches the sentencing of a prisoner. He says that giving a long sentence to the prisoners is contrary with the myth of correcting and rehabilitating the prisoners. Instead, they lose their human dignity and have less time to enjoy their lives. In that case, they face various challenges such as being chained from the wrist to the ankle, perform hard and tiresome labor, being under life surveillance and be denied to receive any assistance from the outside. Kleinig says that when one is forced in to such life style, various opportunities are disqualified. Firstly, they do not perform their parental responsibility. This is because; the long term imprisonment punishment does not allow one to interact with his or her family. Secondly, a man would not be able to enjoy his marital authority. In continuation, Kleinig, gives in humanness as another constraint that leads to hard treatment. In that case, according to him, inhumane is the act of disregarding the human sensibility as human beings. This is brought about by failure to have any concern of the suffering the prisoners are subjected to. Additionally, it comes about when an individual tries to neglect certain policy deliberately. Such activities that Kleinig terms as being inhuman is being constrained in to lack of oversight , inadequate calorie diet. Additionally, in these prison institutions, there are unsanitary conditions which are never rectified. In that case, Kleinig describes this as an environment that dictates inhumane. According to klieg, the United States Supreme Court has now got to becoming concern of the prison conditions. In that case, earlier, the court never intervened these prison conditions hence they reflected a separation of powers in which they could not exercise their expertise and their federalism policy. In that case, the court took less time to get involved to the prison conditions. In that case, such inhuman actions were reduced and the hard conditions undergone by the prisoners were looked upon. Apart from the negative aspects found within the prison institutions, Kleinig also found other positive directions that help in helping the prisoners. According to Kleinig, many people have a mare understanding on the term imprisonment where they think as keeping of the wrong doers in the cell, correcting facility or in the cell block. In that case, he contradicts them by showing that the prisoners should be given a freedom to some movements and assigned to other duties, which would help them develop their talents and gain other skills for their future. Additionally, he contradicts them who think that imprisonment should be like house arrest. The environment that the prisoners are kept in should be human according to Kleinig. He suggests that it may be good and human by allowing the prisoners to leave their cells for limited period in a day. Additionally, the cells should be well equipped with the basic necessities such as the bed, wash basin and toilet. On the other hand, the cell should be spacious enough to allow other basic activities such as standing sitting walking or lying down. In that case, Kleinig stands for some freedom in the cells. There are various prison policies which are taken serious for the health hazards which may result from some of the habits. For instant, Kleinig says that the policy of terminating smoking in the prison should be strictly adhered to due to the health problems that may come about. The prisoners should be concerned of the health status of their inmates. On the other hand, noisemaking in the cells should be avoided. This is to ensure health environment for everyone. In terms of privacy and security, the prisoners should be limited to privacy in order to ensure full security in the prison institution. The privacy may lead to cruelty and unusual treatment to the inmates. In that case, privacy in prison should greatly be limited or terminated. In most case, the prison life is boring and in that case, the prisoners should be exposed to various opportunities to exercise their parts of the body. The prison idleness which leads to spirit breaking and sapping of energy limits the prisoners’ reintegration to the community. In that case, as some of the works may appear to be dehumanizing, there are other works which are helpful to the future development. For instant, if the prisoners are taught on how to provide food, preserve, maintain and other agricultural services would highly benefit the prisoners. These activities are given to the prisoners to avail them to their future. In that essence, the prison institution should fully act to the latter to give full services to the prisoners. For example, the prisoners should undergo some training where they would be equipped with different skills to perform some activities beneficial to them. For instant, if the prisoner undertakes military training, they end up indulging to interactive responsibility. In that essence, their decision making and self confidence skills are improved. Being equipped with decision making skills is a great achievement. After accomplishing the imprisonment period, the prisoners with such achievement are in a position to start their business hence thriving in life. On the other hand, self confidence is a great skill for one to possess in order to be successful in life. For instant, one needs confidence while looking for a job. This is strengthened by interaction with other people where one is able to learn how to live with others. According to kleinig, some amenities are essential for the prisoners to fell comfortable while in the cells. For instant, the institution should provide the prisoners with washing facilities, disease free beds, and sanitary toilets. Additionally, they should allow the prisoners get access to the present information about the world outside. This is a human necessity in life. One should be update on whatever is happening in the world. According to many people, allowing prisoners to access this information may be a form of comfort which is a lie. Listening to radio news is not a luxury life at all. In that case, the institution should supply radios to the prisoners to ensure they are attached to the world happenings. In some countries, prison policies limit the prison’s visitations and access. When someone is imprisoned, one feels to be isolated from the family members. Additionally, they feel that they lack their conjugal rights. In that case, visitation should be allowed for the prisoners to see their family members and have a talk to them. In summation, imprisonment is not about punishing but rehabilitating and correcting the wrongdoers. This rehabilitation can not be successful with cruel activities or inhumanness. In that essence, the prison institutions and individuals should try to be human. Provision of basic amenities and good environment to the prisoners is step of being humane. Good environment were the prisoners are allowed to move from their cells for some time. In that case, they are able to interact with others and learn other new things. On the other hand, amenities such as washing facilities and disease free beds help in maintaining good health among the prisoners. On the other hand, provision of training by the institution helps the prisoners to build up their future. This equips the prisoners with life necessities which become helpful after the imprisonment. Reference John K. (2006), The Hardness Of Hard Treatment. Journal of Correctional ethics; 273- 298 Read More
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