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Sensory Perceptions - Essay Example

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It is undisputable that humans rely heavily on their senses in making judgments and in reacting to the world. The senses, ears, skin, eyes, tongue, and nose, are, however, extremely limited in giving precise readings of real occurrences. …
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Sensory Perceptions
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Humans, by relying solely on these senses, face numerous limitations and challenges. Our ability to survive in the world this far amidst harsh conditions could be a result of our ability to maneuver safely within it by the use of our senses. However, the mounting threats, global warming, nuclei arms race, and incurable diseases such as AIDS, could be an indication of the unreliability of the senses to foresee looming human extinction. Humans have intellect and should not always rely on inaccurate information generated by the senses in making decisions.

There are many reasons to justify the inaccuracy of sensory information. According to Descartes, our human background knowledge is the principal contributor to the inaccuracy of the senses (2002). He says, “Others are in error respecting matters of which they believe themselves to possess a perfect knowledge” (51). By questioning the certainty of two plus three being five, Descartes argues that as much as adding the values represent simple and general objects, our responses could be a result of the background knowledge we have on arithmetic.

With no such information, even dealing with absolute objects that their existence is absolute becomes complicated. Additionally, the accuracy of the senses depends on the reliability of observed facts. . 22). Sense data can be accurate and precise. However, this is subject to many factors. Primarily, the sources of data and the cognitive ability of an individual must be accurate. Our senses rely heavily on the data they receive to make a judgment. If our ability to smell, see, hear, or feel is impaired, it is highly possible that senses will make erroneous decisions.

However, humans have highly developed organs that ensure accurate reception, analysis, and interpretation of received data. The human ears, for example, have sensitive receptors, which can detect over 400,000 types of sounds and act as amplifiers. The availability of these sensitive receptors ensures that the data sent to the brain is perceived accurately. Therefore, this rules out the possibility of any deception. Secondly, the human brain has the cognitive ability to analyze any form of sensory data received.

Once data are received by the five senses, smell, touch, sight, taste, and hearing, it is then transmitted to the brain through the spinal code for analysis. The human brain, being the most sophisticated organ known to man, has the capabilities of giving accurate analysis of the data received. Senses also rely on experiences to interpret data, and since such experiences are past realities, the senses can never be too wrong. The debate on the role of heredity and environment in child development has remained controversial over the last decades.

Psychologists agree on the importance of nurture and nature in child development, but disagree over which plays a more significant role in the development process (Arkinson, 1993). Nurture dictates that environment influences a child’s development.

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