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How Nintendo is left brained - Essay Example

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[Name of the Writer] [Name of the Professor] [Name of the Course] [Date] How Nintendo is Left Brained? WHAT IS NINTENDO? The brand name Nintendo dates back to the year 1889. (broadbandinfo). Introduced by Japan Nintendo is a video gaming console. Nintendo Company emerged as the most successful and largest company that produced best quality video games…
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How Nintendo is left brained
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of the of the of the How Nintendo is Left Brained? WHAT IS NINTENDO? The brand Nintendo s back to the year 1889. (broadbandinfo). Introduced by Japan Nintendo is a video gaming console. Nintendo Company emerged as the most successful and largest company that produced best quality video games. CHARACTERISTICS OF LEFT BRAIN: Characteristics of left brain, as demonstrated by split brain research, claim that the left side of the human brain is involved with the Analytical, Rational, Reductive, Linguistic, Visual and Verbal functions of the human beings.

This part of the brain controls the right side of the body. (Edward) CERTAIN FEATURES OF NINTENDO GAMES WITH EXAMPLES: A number of Nintendo games are available for purchase in the market. These games incorporate techniques that require analytical and logical approaches to be embedded by the player. Examples of Nintendo games involving the brain activity of the player from the left side of the brain include Donkey Kong, numerous puzzle related games such as Repton, Knights Lore, Cantlequest. Puzzle solving games involve the embedding of decision making techniques.

Thompson writes about traditional puzzle games in his book “Video Games Design Revealed” in the following words: “The general format for traditional puzzle games often includes a problem that needs to be solved, followed by some kind of subtle scenario change, followed by another puzzle that needs to be solved in order to gain points or move up a hierarchy of levels.” (31). Each puzzle game introduced by the Nintendo game introduces a different decision making perspective to the player.

This results in even more brainstorming on the Player’s end. In addition to puzzle solving games there are also few brain games in the Nintendo Series of video games. These games are named as the ‘Brain Training Series’ by their developer Professor Kawashima and Nintendo. They are introduced on the Nintendo DS hand held gaming device. Examples of such games include Sudoku and BrainAge. The characteristic feature of these games is that they are timed. This means that a user can play this game only for a specific amount of time in a day.

The game places restrictions upon the player to play any longer once the allotted time per day has completed. This enables the player to retain the learning of the day. The principle embedded on the backend is that it is not better to complete the entire learning experience in a go. Rather it is better that a specific amount of learning lesson be taken and then their repetition would contribute more towards the learning of the player. (Thompson, 31). HOW NINTENDO IS LEFT BRAINED? Evaluating the characteristics of left brain dominance and the characteristics of certain Nintendo games as of those mentioned in the text above it can be ascertained that Nintendo is left brained.

This is proved by the fact that firstly, since it is a video console game, therefore the first two instant sensory involvements of the player refer to his visual capability and that of his mind controlling hand grip while playing the game. The hand control and mind coordination are synchronized with the visual assessment ability of the player. Moreover, certain games involved in Nintendo for example the puzzle, mathematical analytical problem solving and brain games use the decision making ability of the player.

The step by step or level by level increase in stature of the player within the game uses the ability of the left side of the brain where it works on into an assignment one step after the other and does not jump onto conclusions right away. Conclusively, since the visual, analytical, rational and verbal senses are all used while playing Nintendo games it has thus been proven that the Nintendo game is left brained. REFERENCES: “Introduction to Nintendo Gaming.” Broadbandinfo.2011.Web. 21 June 2011.

Guy, Thompson. Video Game Design Revealed. Course Technology PTR, 2007. Print. Edward, Yager. “Building a Learning Community in Bowling Green” Foresight.4.3 (1997): 2. Print.

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