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One of the major historical documents that prove the connection between the Jewish Zionist elite and World War II was the Declaration of War made by Judea against Germany in 1933 (The Barnes Review 41-45). This declaration which states that “The whole of Israel throughout the world is uniting to declare an economic and financial war on Germany…Fourteen million Jews scattered…tight to each other…declare war against the German persecutors,” was actually issued before Hitler’s government officially began restricting the rights of Jews (The Barnes Review 41-45). In addition, the speech of Benjamin Freedman, himself a former Jew, actually revealed that the Zionists guaranteed “We will guarantee to bring the United States into the war as your (Britain’s) ally, to fight with you on your side if you will promise us Palestine after you win the war” (Freedman n. p.). This only proves one thing: the elite always has ulterior interests in provoking a war, and because they are elites, this is never mentioned in history.
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