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Cognitive Behavior Theory and Social Work Treatment - Essay Example

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"Cognitive Behavior Theory and Social Work Treatment" is a great example of a paper on care. The theory that guides the physiotherapy practice is the modeling and the role modeling theory proposed by Helen Erickson. The theory draws the concept of a hierarchy of needs and theory of psychosocial stages, differences, commonalities and cognitive development, and general adaptation syndrome…
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"Cognitive Behavior Theory and Social Work Treatment" is a great example of a paper on care. The theory that guides the physiotherapy practice is the modeling and the role modeling theory proposed by Helen Erickson. The theory draws the concept of a hierarchy of needs and theory of psychosocial stages, differences, commonalities and cognitive development, and general adaptation syndrome. Therefore, the theory is a consolidation of several theories and takes a holistic approach to the treatment of patients. The reason that this theory appeal to me is that it recognizes the uniqueness of every patient and therefore helps focus on the individual needs in a nurturing and caring way. Individuality concept in psychiatry is necessary to the people who have different adaptation levels, capabilities in stress management, knowledge in self-care, actions, and knowledge. The model encourages individuals to promote self-care based on clinical evidence, which relies upon the client's perceptions and adaptation to stressors. In addition to that, the model acknowledges that every person's needs can be met, but it must be through the circumstantial framework.

Cognitive Behavior Theory (CBT)
In this case, anger will be considered as a condition which the client is presenting with. According to this theory, people respond to circumstances based on their experience with similar issues. Therefore, this theory postulates that behavior is never permanent but can be altered through learning new experiences (Miller, 2018). Anger is a behavior and is a reaction to an obstacle in one's surroundings, and therefore it is not excluded from change. This theory suggests that anger results from changes within an environment as a response, and therefore exposure to new environments can help treat this condition. Nevertheless, it is important to note that anger does not necessarily result from environmental factors but can also be attributed to personal experiences and conditions in life. However, most theorists accept that the environment plays a crucial role in contributing to anger and suggests that it can be controlled significantly through behavior modification.

These theorists base their proposition on factors that coerce an individual to react to an occasion or a given situation on hand. The theory is based on three factors which are attributed to the way a person perceives themselves, the surrounding, and the role their current situation is likely to play to determine their future. This theory also makes an individual forget about their reality resulting in misconceptions on how an individual responds to various situations (Thomlison, 2017).

Effective management of anger is crucial though it has faced some problems in its application, especially retention and referral to treatments. Many therapists have offered classes on anger management, where the clients are not assessed without pretense to offer therapy (Mehrtak, 2017). In this case, there was high satisfaction among the clients who completed the course. Some scholars attest to the applicability of cognitive-behavioral therapy in the management of anger. Others have a different view on the success of cognitive behavioral therapy on anger management. Environmental factors are critical determinants of the success of CBT in anger management. Many of the clients who used to seek counseling but never completed have done so due to the surrounding. Some of those who never complete their treatment do so because they find it difficult to reveal to the therapist and thus end up withdrawing before they receive help.

Many theories have approached anger management from a psychological point of view for an extended period. A majority of these theories suggest that treatment for anger is giving an opportunity to an individual to explain their feelings fully, an aspect which has been captured in the cognitive behavioral therapy. These theorists propose that through individual expression, they get relieved of their stress, and thus the feeling of anger is averted in their lives. Other theorists such as cognitive behavioral therapists attribute anger to cognitive changes, which cause strong emotions.

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(Cognitive Behavior Theory and Social Work Treatment Care Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words, n.d.)
Cognitive Behavior Theory and Social Work Treatment Care Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words.
(Cognitive Behavior Theory and Social Work Treatment Care Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words)
Cognitive Behavior Theory and Social Work Treatment Care Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words.
“Cognitive Behavior Theory and Social Work Treatment Care Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words”.
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