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Nursing Informatics - Coursework Example

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The author asserts that computers and the technologies accompanying it are shaping the field of nursing greatly. It has been implemented in ultrasound application is sure a true claim. I like how the author introduces the problem…
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Nursing Informatics
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Nursing informatics: Response to Discussion Insert Insert Response Response to Dana Tolman works about telehealth Dana Tolman presents a discussion on telehealth. The author asserts that computers and the technologies accompanying it are shaping the field of nursing greatly. It has been implemented in ultrasound application is sure a true claim. I like how the author introduces the problem of health assessment and injects the solutions required to curb the impending issues. Moreover, he listed all the possible applications of telehealth in a fashion that present him knowledgeable and informed of the current issues in nursing and computers.

I acknowledge the fact that people everywhere cannot use the features of telehealth to monitor health requirements and medication in sync with their doctor’s recommendation. It limited in details though on the parts played by the patient and doctor yet presents the technology as the superior aspect.ResourceGallagher-Lepack, S., Scheibel, P., & Gibson, C. (2009). Integrating telehealth in nursing curricula: can you hear me now?. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 13(2),Response 2: Response to Aimee MPeck discussion on patient safetyAimee McPeck’s is piece is about nursing practice and patient safety.

The authorship is well directed and is a plea to all nurses in practice to put the safety of patients at the first spot. It is in this claim that I find this response particularly imperative and essential for prioritization. In the respect, the work is presented in a fashion implying that knowledge gathering about safety in nursing is imperative and should be taken as a continuous process. The paper cites Sherwood and Zomorodi’s work in line with patient’s sensitivity in participating in the nursing process because their worry leads to no progress.

As a nurse, I fully acknowledge and appreciate the pointer by Aimee. However, Aimee is not vivid about the source of knowledge in that subject matter. I would prefer the author to mention books, journals, and participation in events like brainstorming and frequent discussion meetings to keep all abreast. ResourceSherwood, G., & Zomorodi, M. (2014). A new mindset for quality and safety: The QSEN competencies redefine nurses roles in practice. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 41(1), 15-72Response 3: Cynthia Vaughn’s discussion on Electronic Health Records (HER)Cynthia Vaughn is an author with experience, which to me is required of any nurse practitioner.

I was particularly attracted by her introduction of the HER systems. With the claim that one can find their records right from birth to their last day is a strong statement and catchy. Her example considering the Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) is informative and presents the point home (Harshberger et. Al., 2011). She narrates in a short yet direct to the point experience with a doctor in the handwritten records time hence bringing out the disadvantages of the traditional system. In that fashion, a reader is able to acknowledge the need for HER.

ResourceHarshberger, C. A., Harper, A. J., Carro, G. W., Spath, W. E., Hui, W. C., Lawton, J. M., & Brockstein, B. E. (2011). Outcomes of computerized physician order entry in an electronic health record after implementation in an outpatient oncology setting. Journal of Oncology Practice, 7(4), 233-237. doi:10.1200/JOP.2011.000261Response 4: Natilie Rutherford on IT-based applicationsNatilie Rutherford responds with claims that IT-based applications have greatly shaped the nursing and medical field.

He mentions the records, monitoring, prescriptions, appointments and diagnostics. This piece is informative and uses a relevant example. I agree with it because of the advantages it sets up towards efficiency, accuracy and reliability (Raymond et al. Al., 2015). The nursing fraternity reading this piece is summoned to a call for the adoption of the new ways of delivering of the nursing care through information technology. He mentions the internet and elaborates in a manner I relate and deem right when he suggests that it enhances retrieval of information.

ResourceRaymond, L., Paré, G., Ortiz de Guinea, A., Poba-Nzaou, P., Trudel, M., Marsan, J., & Micheneau, T. (2015). Improving performance in medical practices through the extended use of electronic medical record systems: a survey of Canadian family physicians. BMC Medical Informatics & Decision Making, 15(1), 1-15. doi:10.1186/s12911-015-0152-8ReferencesGallagher-Lepack, S., Scheibel, P., & Gibson, C. (2009). Integrating telehealth in nursing curricula: can you hear me now?. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 13(2),Harshberger, C. A., Harper, A. J., Carro, G. W., Spath, W. E., Hui, W. C., Lawton, J. M., & Brockstein, B. E. (2011).

Outcomes of computerized physician order entry in an electronic health record after implementation in an outpatient oncology setting. Journal of Oncology Practice, 7(4), 233-237. doi:10.1200/JOP.2011.000261Raymond, L., Paré, G., Ortiz de Guinea, A., Poba-Nzaou, P., Trudel, M., Marsan, J., & Micheneau, T. (2015). Improving performance in medical practices through the extended use of electronic medical record systems: a survey of Canadian family physicians. BMC Medical Informatics & Decision Making, 15(1), 1-15. doi:10.1186/s12911-015-0152-8Sherwood, G.

, & Zomorodi, M. (2014). A new mindset for quality and safety: The QSEN competencies redefine nurses roles in practice. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 41(1), 15-72

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