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Nursing Theories Related to Patient-Centered Care - Assignment Example

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This assignment "Nursing Theories Related to Patient-Centered Care" is geared towards analyzing the nursing concept of “patient-centered care. In this case, the article will focus on explaining various items that pertain to this concept o as to put it in better perspectives for easier applicability. …
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Nursing Theories Related to Patient-Centered Care
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Introduction There are several nursing concepts that are used to relay feelings, meaning and understanding to other nursing profession. In this case,the concept includes one or two words that have coded meaning that can only be understood by professional s with nursing background. When it comes to nursing concept analysis, it involves the exercise intended to make researchers, students and other persons with interests in nursing familiar with the concept and its variables. The significant of concept analysis is basically to place students in the nursing environment; to start reasoning within various nursing terminologies and jargons. This article is geared towards analyzing the nursing concept of “patient centered care. In this case, the article will focus on explaining various items that pertains to this concept o as to put it in better perspectives for easier applicability. When analyzing this concept, the article will lay more emphasis on various nursing theories on which this concept is enshrined. These theories include the normative decision theory, need theory, interactive theory and humanistic theory. Aim The aim of this concept analysis is to relate the nursing concept of patient centered care with various theories of nursing. This is important because the students and researchers will be able to get important information relating to various needs that patients have. Further, the article is important as it describes the significance of prioritizing the patients in all decisions made in a health care system. Literature Review The first definition of Patient-Centered Care was given by Kinyua (2013) as the one takes place when the nurse and the entire health care sector recognizes the patient as the source of control and decision making and full partner in providing coordinated and compassionate care based on respect and honor for the patient’s needs, preferences, and value. In this case, the author declared that the most important step in establishing a patient-centered care is by engaging the patient body in making important decisions. In this case, policies that are adopted by the management should be the one that are geared toward enabling a better environment for medical and nursing care provision. Further, Kinyua (2013) argues that the concept of Patient-Centered Care has been ignored for a very long time because of the capitalist nature of our societies. In this case, many nursing facilities are more concerned with making more money in the expense of providing quality healthcare services. to reverse this and to be more Patient-Centered Care, the author advises that the nurse must help the patient in attaining health literacy; empower patients so as they can manage their ailments; work in a self-directed manner and with intrinsic motivation to ensure that all the patients’ needs and expectations are met and no harm is done. In addition, the nurse should provide an optimal healing atmosphere making it easier and practical for patients to progress from illness to wellness. The work done by Kinyua (2013) adds weight to the existing theories of nursing. By decraring that the many nurses have abandoned their core calling, the author suggests that the nursing theories are sufficient inproviding directions to the nurses. However, his work serves as an awakening call for nurses to start providing Patient-Centered Care to their patients. Another important work on the concept of patient-centered healthcare has been done by Hightower (2008). In his book, “Internal Control Policies and Procedures is patient-centered mecical facilities”, he argues that nurses in Patient-Centered Care facilities acknowledges the patient’s participation in major decision making as far as treatment and nursing is concerned. Accordingly, patient-centered care occurs when nurses exhibit behaviors for self-management; hold in partnership with the patient; and becomes a dynamic associate in cultural competence to aid their care. The nurse acts in response to the patient by displaying a respect for diversity, self-expression and disparities. Moreover, the nurse should advocates for the patient and their family’s wishes, desires, and needs. As such, the author suggests that the nurse should engage in cultural competence and become an empowerment coach. In this case, the entire nursing unit should act as a coordinator of care to get the patient in their respective places and help them to advance towards the most favorable level of health and wellness. Olof (2012) analyzes the concept of Patient-Centered Care by establishing various parameters and attributes that a nurse should possess. In this case, his research declares that for a nurse to participate in Patient-Centered Care, they must be non-judgmental, empathetic, have respect for diversity, and be able to empower the patient through education and training, and non-self seeking. He adds that the nurse should be adaptive and caring to not only the patient, but also to his or her family. Olof (2012) observes that when patient-centered care happens, positive consequences are experienced. This is because the nurse and the patient will form a strong relationship that is motivated by healing and wellness progress in the customer. Due to the friendly relationship, the patient will benefit from continuity of care; quality care; treatment cost containment; compliance; and physiological and psychological patient comfort. When concluding, Olof (2012) reminds the nursing stakeholders that when there is a contravention in the nurse and patient or family association, negative consequences can result. These include near miss; never events; sentinel events; and physiological and psychological discomfort. Apart the Patient-Centered Care concepts, other concepts that can influence patient-centered care include quality diversity; improvement; safety; collaboration and teamwork; communication; ethical and legal precepts; health information technology; evidence-based practice and health care organizations among others. If the patient’s attributes of these concepts are at level best, then the concepts contribute toward positive outcome related to patient-centered care. On the other hand, the absence of optimum characteristics of these concepts may lead to a violation of patient-centered care and hence negative consequences that require nursing interventions, Kinyua (2013). Nursing Theories related to Patient-Centered Care The concept of Patient-Centered Care is properly enshrined and supported by various theories on which nursing has been established. According to the Nusing Monitor (2009) nursing report, the author blames the lack of proper connection between the concept and existing postulation for failure to adhere to the concept by nurses. In this case, the Nusing Monitor (2009) suggests that nursing theories are important in validating the nursing concepts. This study will focus on the Goals attainment Theory: Goals attainment Theory This theory postulates that the goals of nursing can only be assessed by evaluating the patients. In this case, the nurse’s effort is deemed to be reflected by the response of the patient and not on the work that the nurse has done. The theory highlights the imperativeness of patient’s participation in the nursing services so as they can receive the best nursing ever. Similarly, the Patient-Centered Care concept is developed with the patient as the core reasons for practicing nursing. In this case, both the concept of Patient-Centered Care and the Goals attainment Theory are complimentary and hence the nurse can work with either of the two-so long as the client’s interests are prioritized. Use/Application of Patient-Centered Care concept The core of this concept is that the patients are the centerpiece on which a nursing organization-or a hospital-is established. In this case, any matter that relates to the customer always supersedes any other matter, however urgent it is. This concept has been credited for various achievements that numerous medical facilities have achieved. The concept has served as an awakening call that keeps nurses on high alert when responding to needs of the customer. Similarly, the concept has been applied when doing planning for a health care facility. In this case, the planners will lay a lot of emphasis in infrastructures that are instrumental in high quality health care. This means that each and every hospital is designed for patients comfort and the best care. According to Richard (2014), the concept, if fully regarded, will achieve the best health care and nursing services among all cadres of nurses, doctors and other medical professionals. Defining attributes This concept has been very practical due to its characteristics. Most importantly, the Patient-Centered Care concept is defined by its simplicity in application. As such, Richard (2014) reckons that the principle of this concept is that the nurse should highly regard the clients and hence offer services that are the best according to the client’s estimations. Further, the concept have been known to add credentilas to nurses who fully adhere to its proposations. This is because, the client forms an important part of the assessment and evaluation that is conducted on a nurse. This, therefore, means that the client is likely to give the best feedback on the part of the nurse. On top of this, there is that fulfilment that a Patient-Centered Care nurse attains especially when a patient responds well to their services, Richard (2014). Models for Patient Centred Care The conceptual model design for patient centred care that combines all the elements essential for the analysis. It represents the various compnents that forms an effective patient centred care approach in the health care sector. Conceptual Model for Patient Centred Care (Ravishankar & Sumedha, 2011) Alternate Cases for Patient Centered Care The student conducted by Ravishankar & Sumedha (2011) demostrated that patient centred healthcare is crucial in the development and meeting the needs of the patients in the health care sector. It is found that the patient centred care is crucial in addressing specific needs of the patients that tend to reduce mortality rate in the hospital. In addition, it is an alternative that provides quality health to the patients by identifying the needs of individual patient. In another study oconducted by Allen, et al (2001) found that the related concepts in the analysis of the effectiveness of patient based care that controlled the performance of the health care unit in the provision of services to the patients. This approach has been cited to prevent occurrence of complications in the patients by diagnosis of their challenges in health early enough. This care system is critical in todays world where patient care quality of service is essential. Antecedence and Consequence It is considered that the antecedents of patient centered care is crucial in facilitating the strategic move by a health care unit. It is important to understand to realize that before initiating the program, the human resource department should be well equipped to ensure that patient centered healthcare is provided to the patients. It is considered that the infrastructure should also be provided to ensure effectiveness in the implementation of the program. The consequence of the patient centered care is enhanced quality of services that leads to fast recovery process as well as reduced mortality in the health care unit. Empirical Referents Empirical referents are referred to as the measurable ways through which one can demonstrate the occurrence of concept. There exist no measures for overcoming them, however, there are measures that relate to the constructs that are available and may assist in quantifying the process being investigated and the outcome therein. There are empirical referents such as the resiliency, self-efficacy, Below, we elaborate on the empirical referents for categories of the related phenomena of resiliency, perceived hope and the social support that are crucial in the process of overcoming(Barbara, Keri, Laura, & Janet, 2011). References Allen, M. F., Paul, D. C., Lee, H., Rachel, M. R., Nancy, B. J., & John, Z. A. (2001). Patient-centered Processes of Care and Long-term Outcomes of Myocardial Infarction. J Gen Intern Med, 800-808. Barbara, L. B., Keri, K., Laura, G., & Janet, M. B. (2011). Overcoming: A Concept Analysis. Nurs Forum., 160-168. Borouge. (2013). Sustainability Report 2013. Borouge, 14-18. Business Monitor . (2009). United Arab Emirates Petrochemical Report. Bussiness Monitor International, 1-50. Business Monitor. (2014). United Arab Emirates Petrochemical Report Q4 2014. Research and Market, 20-80. Hightower, R. (2008). Internal Control Policies and Procedures. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Olof, A. (2012). Internal Control; A study of Concepts and Themes. London: Springer Sciences & Business Media . Ravishankar, J., & Sumedha, C. (2011). Patient Centered Care - A Conceptual Model and Review of the State of the Art. The Open Health Services and Policy Journa, 15-25. Read More
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