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Accounting Proposal - Essay Example

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Accounting is an integrated process that entails measuring, processing, analysing and communication of financial information pertaining to business transactions. It primarily involves the process of doing a systematic and comprehensive record of financial transactions related to…
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Accounting Proposal
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Accounting Proposal al Affiliation Accounting Proposal Accounting is an integrated process that entails measuring, processing, analysing and communication of financial information pertaining to business transactions. It primarily involves the process of doing a systematic and comprehensive record of financial transactions related to a business. Accounting is a critical factor in the success of any business organisation whether large or small. It is instrumental for the management to make critical decisions revolving around production, sales and marketing, human resource planning, management of supplies and many other more activities in the business (Wang, 2015).

The current revolution in the information technology industry has had an important impact on the accounting information systems (AIS).Traditional bookkeeping and accounting methods proved to consume more time and involved a lot of resources and in extension, led to high costs of production. Improvement in IT has led to the development of computers and thus facilitated the easy computerization of accounting (Prasad & Green, 2015). I intend to pursue an accounting project focussed on finding out effective and efficient ways through which small businesses can incorporate the usage of computerized accounting systems to reduce the accounting workload.

My project will be titled “Integrating computerized accounting into small scale businesses.”The research study has a very broad scope. The project covers a variety of aspects that are useful in various ways to different people. It enables small scale businesses to find out the expectations of customers about tally accounting software. Moreover, it shows various reasons for selecting different accounting packages and also gives a representation of customer satisfaction after the usage of accounting software by the business.

My project focuses on small businesses that do not see the need to incorporate computerized Accounting Information Systems because they are small and consequently will not benefit much. Computerized accounting information systems have caused the substitution of manual bookkeeping systems with digital ones. Manual processing of data is slow and prone to error, unlike computerized accounting (Prasad & Green, 2015). Improvements in technology have resulted in quicker ways of collecting, processing and retrieval of data.

Automated accounting systems have taken over the functions of manual accounting systems. An example of such functions is the data input function. In manual accounting, the data capture happened together with the source documents and the processing happened in ledger accounts and journals. In computerized accounting systems, the data exists in machine readable form after the initial capturing. In addition, computerized accounting provides for databases that stores information that dates to a long time in the past that one can use for future processing (Prasad & Green, 2015).

I intend to use various research methods to conduct my project. These include conduction of interviews with small scale businesses that have successfully integrated computerized accounting in their systems. The purpose will be to find out the results of the integration and the level of scale to which they incorporate the accounting systems. Another source of research would be direct observation of how business (both large and small) use computerize accounting systems in their activities after which I will then record my findings and analyse them.

I intend also to use past literature material on the application of modern accounting with the purpose of attempting to find out methods of successful integration of computerized accounting systems in small-scale businesses (Wang, 2015). These will involve literature written by prominent accounting individuals such as Robert Montgomery, George Anderson. And others as well as internet sources. My research plans involve the studying of staff satisfaction after using computerised accounting packages as well as finding out their opinion with respect to the software.

I also intend to come up with appropriate suggestions on how to facilitate an easier acquisition of the computer packages and their quicker integration into the activities of small-scale businesses. I intend to conduct my project in a span of two months and no more. I will conduct the interviews in a span of one month followed by a two week period of gathering and reading literature information from the sources mentioned above. I will dedicate the last two weeks to analysing my findings, editing drafted material before producing a final copy of my results.

Since I will solely focus on conducting my project and doing nothing else, I am convinced that I will finish the project on time.ReferencesPrasad, A., & Green, P. (2015). Organizational Competencies and Dynamic Accounting Information System Capability: Impact on AIS Processes and Firm Performance. Journal of Information Systems.Wang, F. (2015). Research on the problems and countermeasures of enterprise accounting informatization.  Information Management and Management Engineering, 94, 327.

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