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Effectiveness of the U.S. Healthcare System - Coursework Example

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There has been a remarkable development in the health care system all over the world over the past two decades and the health care system of the United States is not an exception. The promotion of healthy lifestyle and prevention of various diseases has always been the major objective of the health care providers of the US. …
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Effectiveness of the U.S. Healthcare System
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US Healthcare System Effectiveness of the U.S. Healthcare System There has been a remarkable development in the health care system all over the world over the past two decades and the health care system of the United States is not an exception. The promotion of healthy lifestyle and prevention of various diseases has always been the major objective of the health care providers of the US. However, it is found that the US healthcare delivery system is not that effective when compared to other developed countries, as majority of the people are deprived from regular and routine access to the health care services unlike other developed countries.

The main reason is considered to be the high cost of basic health service that further made it challenging for every people to afford the same. However, the government incurs a huge expense for the health care units of the US, which is even higher than that of the overall economic growth of the country. Various government agencies are coming forward to finance for further research in improving the health care system. Therefore there exists an ineffective health care management system that results in unequal distribution of healthcare services to the people of the country.

In addition to focusing on the quality and technology, it is also necessary for the healthcare providers of the US to focus on developing affordable rate of the health care services that can be accessed by people in a convenient manner. This will also help in long term sustainability of the health care service in the country (Clarke & Bidgood, 2013). Issues That Prompted a Need for Health Care Reform There are certain issues that prompted for the necessity of reform in health care system in the country.

Among the various issues that exists, unequal access of the people to routine and regular health care is considered as quite prominent. Moreover, people are also deprived from proper treatment by the health care providers. Therefore it is inherently necessary for the health care providers and the governments implement necessary measures for overcoming such shortcomings of the health care providers (Clarke & Bidgood, 2013). Reference Clarke, E. & Bidgood, E. (2013). Healthcare Systems: The USA.

CIVITAS, pp. 1-18.

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