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Community /Public Health Nursing - Assignment Example

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Although it is impossible to attain the state of complete health, community health is an aspect of health care that strives to maintain the normal state of…
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Community /Public Health Nursing
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Community health nursing Introduction Health is a complete of physical mental and social well-being according to the world health organization standards. Although it is impossible to attain the state of complete health, community health is an aspect of health care that strives to maintain the normal state of health, as well as prevention of infections in the community. Healthier communities are socio-geographical groupings that are liberated from the disease burden. Healthier community may not attain the full standards of complete health according to the WHO but can benefit from vigorous programs of primary, secondary and tertiary health care services (Pérez & Martinez, 2008).

A healthy community A healthy community is one that does not suffer from communicable and nutrition related diseases. This is because a healthy community takes precautions through primary health care and uses their natural resources to prevent the occurrence of communicable diseases like HIV/AIDS, measles, etc. Equally, a healthy community uses the available resources to produce or purchase healthy foods and consumables for provision of sufficient nutritional requirement thus enables the community to prevent nutrition deficit related conditions like obesity, Kwashiorkor, and marasmus.

A community can only remain healthy if the policy makers within the community device mechanisms through which there could be maintenance of food security, healthy eating, provision of healthy built environment, provision of tobacco reduction policies as well provision of healthy public policies (Parker, Lumbreras, & Hernández-Aguado, 2010). Provision of care to a community that does not meet the standards of a healthy community would demand both individual and group approach to the community.

First will be an individual approach that will entail medical treatment and rehabilitation of the individuals affected by the disease burden in the community. This will follow with a group approach where the unaffected community members would be helped to identify health benefits they can tap from their existing resources to improve their health. Working with the community leaders and social works, management of the community through their resources and initiatives will help to maintain the desired health standards.

This will equally be coupled with a well-informed health education on the preventive measures of ill health in the community (Simon et al., 2009).ReferencesParker, L. A., Lumbreras, B., & Hernández-Aguado, I. (2010). Health information and advocacy for “Health in All Policies”: a research agenda. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 64, 114–116. Pérez, L. M., & Martinez, J. (2008). Community health workers: Social justice and policy advocates for community health and well-being.

American Journal of Public Health. Simon, S., Chu, K., Frieden, M., Candrinho, B., Ford, N., Schneider, H., & Biot, M. (2009). An integrated approach of community health worker support for HIV/AIDS and TB care in Angónia district, Mozambique. BMC International Health and Human Rights, 9, 13.

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