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Roots and Symptoms of Anemia - Essay Example

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The paper "Roots and Symptoms of Anemia" states that generally speaking, Anemia is a condition in which a patient has a reduced number of blood cells occasioned by a deficiency in the body's mineral salts that are necessary for the production of hemoglobin. …
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Roots and Symptoms of Anemia
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Minor symptoms of anemia include fatigue, numbness, and jaundice while the more severe symptoms include dizziness extremely high blood pressure, and heart attacks (Garrison 241). For successful diagnosis, the medical officer must introspect into your medical history and family health records since anemia for instance sickle cell can be genetically acquired. They will then check for the aforementioned signs and carry out tests, which may include; a complete blood count (CBC), measuring the levels of vitamin B12 and Folate On rare occasions, the doctor may take a sample of bone marrow.

The doctor will then administer treatment depending on the cause including fluids and blood transfusions in most cases, anemia caused by loss of blood can be treated by treating the cause of blood loss. Today, advanced methods of treating anemia are being developed such as gene therapy and bone marrow transfer and while still in the early stages they portend consummate improvements in the field(Garrison 2009).
Ultimately, the treatment and prognosis of Anemia are relative to the severity, when it is caused by bleeding such as an ulcer, one is likely to recover. When treated in the early stages, it is more likely to be cured, however, in elderly people, it is more difficult to remedy than with the younger ones. Read More
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