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What are some of the psychoeducational interventions used in managing bipolar personalities - Assignment Example

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The condition of having a bipolar mental disorder is characterized by recurrent swings in moods, between euphoria or happiness (very good moods) and depression or irritability (very bad moods, sometimes leading to suicide). The rapid changes in mood, energy levels (from being…
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What are some of the psychoeducational interventions used in managing bipolar personalities
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PSYCHO-EDUCATIONAL INTERVENTIONS (Managing Bi-polar Disorder Personalities) of the Name:Date Submitted:The condition of having a bipolar mental disorder is characterized by recurrent swings in moods, between euphoria or happiness (very good moods) and depression or irritability (very bad moods, sometimes leading to suicide). The rapid changes in mood, energy levels (from being hyperactive to suddenly lethargic), sleep patterns, behaviors and type of activities has a severe adverse effect on the daily-living tasks of an afflicted individual.

Bipolar disorder is otherwise known as a manic-depressive illness and often develops during the late teens or early adult years. Its symptoms are often misdiagnosed because it is not easy to arrive at a definitive conclusion; it is a life-long chronic ailment but can be managed properly to enable having a normal life just like anybody else. There are some interventions in this regard which can be quite helpful. Despite individuals or patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder having different types of personalities, character and temperament (Goodwin & Jamison, 2007, p. 324), it is still possible to develop beneficial interventions to mitigate the ill effects of this mental ailment.

One of those commonly tried are the psycho-educational interventions suitably developed for each person and these include seminars and workshops for both parent and the afflicted teen or adolescent to educate them and disabuse their minds of wrong notions and false or dysfunctional beliefs about depression (Geller & Delbello, 2008, p. 188). The purpose of this is to recognize the symptoms early and to seek immediate treatment before the episode becomes a full-blown crisis (NIMH, 2012, p. 1) and another very helpful intervention is self-help, derived from increased knowledge, which essentially involves avoiding episode triggers or crisis situations that cause the depression.

Psycho-educational interventions are mere adjuncts to normal treatment that involves the use of both medication and psychotherapy (or talk therapy that preferably involves family members). It is the right combination of these treatment factors that can avoid a relapse of bipolar disorder. ReferencesGeller, B. & Delbello, M. (2008). Treatment of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents. New York, NY: Guilford Press. Goodwin, F. K. & Jamison, K. D. (2007). Manic-depressive illness: Bipolar disorders and recurrent depression.

New York, NY: Oxford University Press US. National Institute of Mental Health (2012, May 16). “Bipolar disorder.” Retrieved from

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