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New Hampshire Emergency - Essay Example

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From the paper "New Hampshire Emergency " it is clear that an EOP comprised of three parts is a useful extension that talks about the performance of a specific task. Secondly, the hazard-specific annexes offer an extra response. Thirdly, we have a basic plan…
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New Hampshire Emergency
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An EOP should include all features of emergency response and preparedness as well as address concerns on mitigation. Additionally, all hazards should be addressed in an emergency response plan in order for the plan to be flexible enough to enable its usage in all emergencies. The EOP also has to be risk-based. Therefore, it should be inclusive of hazard-specific data based on the threats that were developed in the analysis of the hazard.  

Further, for compatibility reasons with levels of government and other jurisdictions, the basic plan, therefore, does not have a standard format. Moreover, the basic plan should comprise of the following components: Introduction, Purpose statement, Situations and assumptions, Concept of operations, Organizing and assignment of responsibilities, Administration and logistics, Plan development and maintenance, and lastly Authorities and references. The emergency operational plan of Holderness, New Hampshire contains all the components of the basic plan (Fagel, 2011).

The strength and weaknesses of the plan

A well-stated incident of a communication system in plan enables swift action during an emergency. Good communication is essential in handling any case of an emergency within institutions. The new Hampshire EOP has laid emphasis on communication hence making it possible to effectively handle emergency situations arising anytime. Secondly, it is important to have a clear flow of information while handling an emergency. Since this will reduce instances of confusion among members of staff. This is reflected in the new Hampshire EOP which outlines communication between various stakeholders that include, the private sector, non-governmental organizations and the government. Lastly, setting aside the resources by the federal, state and local government specifically for emergencies will help in dealing with the situations whenever they arise. Therefore, the new Hampshire EOP has laid procedures down on how to utilize the already set aside resources by the federal, state and local government in order to curb future emergency occurrences within the state.

However, there is a weakness in the way communication is handled during an emergency. A large number of people are given responsibility and the authority to provide resources for mitigating an emergency. This will affect the efficiency with which the situation will be handled due to poor communication. Therefore, the new Hampshire EOP gives responsibility to a large number of people during the occurrence of emergencies. Thus this leads to poor handling of the emergencies due to a lack of precise communication between the stakeholders. The plan can therefore be improved by reducing the number of people needed to release resources in case of an emergency (State of New Hampshire Emergency Operational Plan, 2005).

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