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Global Family Business Leadership - Term Paper Example

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It first started as a confectionary company (Aronoff & Ward, 1996). In the mid-1920, Sir Forrest E Mars joined his father in business which saw them launch the Milky Way. It was Forrest who started…
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Global Family Business Leadership
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The company incorporates two exceptional principles: Efficiency and Freedom for generations. This distinguishes Mars from its competitors. Being a private family owned business there has to be freedom to make long term investments (Nicholson, 2005). The Middle East and North Africa (Mena) began in 1930when its predecessor Morgan Guaranty Trust Company helped U.S based oil companies to strengthen their operations in Saudi Arabia (Aronoff & Ward, 1996). Morgan Guaranty Trust Company is owned by 20% of the shareholders based in London (Barrett & Moores, 2009).

Expansion to a market segment like Saudi Arabia may pose tricky situation bearing in mind the religion and culture of most residents in this market. In addition, clashing values, setting and atmosphere play a crucial role in the new entrance (Nicholson, 2005). All businesses require proper management in order to succeed in its endeavors (Aronoff & Ward, 1996). Mars being a global family business believes in seeking leaders’ advises in regards to protection of culture, putting in place business innovations and in providing direction to visions and values of the organization (Nicholson, 2005).

The greatest challenge of such a role is unique to every family and context of operation Mars included. It should be noted that leadership in such positions as family businesses is one of the most debated and perplexing scenarios world over, yet least understood. This paper seeks to gather thoughts and experiences with a view of solving puzzling intricacies behind Mar’s expansion into Saudi Arabia. Family business leaders often face numerous strategic challenges in their efforts to maintaining a strong cultural identity of the business (Nicholson, 2005).

This research paper underscores emotional intelligence in management, family-non-family relationship at the management apex, collective leadership as well as cultural build up

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