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Ethics in Organization class, - Term Paper Example

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I earnestly sat down and followed the lecture point by point, as they flowed; I was very keen because the words kept on speaking to me as a person. The good sense of humour…
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Ethics in Organization class,
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c/o Business Administration Program Seneca College 1900 Gorge Bank Drive Canada, ON K7A 3A6 Mr. Dave Paterson Chair, Business Council Office of External RelationsSeneca College 1900 Gorge Bank DriveCanada, ONK7A 3A6Dear Mr Paterson,RE: THANKYOU FOR THE PUBLIC LECTUREI humbly express our sincere appreciation for the powerful and moving public lecture you presented to us. I earnestly sat down and followed the lecture point by point, as they flowed; I was very keen because the words kept on speaking to me as a person.

The good sense of humour that accompanied the points made them not only thoughts but also a reality.It was a great honour to have you accept our invitation; we do not take it for granted. The effort you put in preparing for the presentation, the energy and passion you injected in the presentation was a clear revelation that you meant good for us. Every minute was impactful and helped us connect with the real life situations that confront us every day. Thank you very much Dave.What an orderly lecture!

The sequential presentation of the ten key points left a lasting impression on not only me but also my friends. On behalf of them and on my own behalf, I really want to express my deep and sincere appreciation for the life touching lecture. The creativity adopted in presentation stirred our thoughts to think beyond the ordinary. Indeed, thank you.It remains that the only thank you that we can effectively give is by conforming and transforming to fit into the teachings you presented to us. The emphasis on the thoughts for future was impressive and created a lasting mental image, it is the high time for me to begin setting the kind of goals you mentioned, having the attitude and above all remaining positive while conducting time to time personal evaluation.

I really regard the tone of presentation since its input was evident; you are surely a blessing to us.Two things struck me and kept me thinking. You clearly mentioned about the need and essence for mentorship, having none myself was a point of thought and evaluation. Another thing is concerning the need to be part of the community. I clearly remember your words as if it had happened a few minutes ago, the community is very essential to us. The words expressed here are not enough but the commitment to do my best to impart my society in one way or the other will present a bigger thank you.

We are truly appreciative of the fact that you kept out of your busy schedule to find time to be with us. What a joy to have heard from you. The sacrifice meant much to us, I am not sure whether we could be having the same mindset that we have today. We long for another meeting.Kindly appreciate our deeply expressed regards towards the nice and impactful lecture that you presented. We look forward to meeting you for another wonderful presentation.Thank you.Yours Sincerely,

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Ethics in Organization Class, Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words.
“Ethics in Organization Class, Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words”, n.d.
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