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Other than brutal conquest, what impact did the Mongol empire have on the known world and why - Essay Example

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The Mongol Empire, which was a massive empire that extended over throughout Asia and even Eastern Europe, the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent, emerged from the steppes of Mongolia during the thirteenth century. At its pinnacle, the Mongol Empire was the biggest and…
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Other than brutal conquest, what impact did the Mongol empire have on the known world and why
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Jerry Ciacho April 27, The Impact of the Mongol Empire The Mongol Empire, which was a massive empire that extended over throughout Asia and even Eastern Europe, the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent, emerged from the steppes of Mongolia during the thirteenth century. At its pinnacle, the Mongol Empire was the biggest and largest adjoining empire in all of history. Known not only for its great success in increasing and expanding its territory throughout much of Eurasia, it also left a great legacy and impact that has shaped and influence the world to what it is right now.

Having one of the most disciplined and the strongest armies and with a highly organizational and strategic mind of a leader, the Mongolians were able to succeed in their brutal conquest for expansion and increase in territory.Apart from achieving victory in stretching the empire through invasion and conquest, the Mongols also achieved great success in other things. One of the greatest impacts that is still evident up to this day is its effect on the human as well as the political geography of Asia.

Because of the emergence of the Mongol Empire, the great collection of several Semi-Turkic and Mongolic tribes were unified under the reign and rule of the founder of the Mongol Empire, Genghis Kan. Moreover, the existence of the states that came out from the dust of the collapse of the Mongol Empire owed their existence to the Mongols. The large size of the Mongol Empire due to its great expansion and conquest from Asia reaching all the way to Eastern Europe has brought about and encouraged wider distribution and trading of a mixture of different goods and other products, and along with it also helped spread out and share knowledge and understanding of various topics and subject matter in several fields of astronomy, science, mathematics and also in other fields such as art, theatre and others.

The founder and first leader of the Mongol Empire and known as one of the world’s greatest conquerors throughout history, Genghis Khan, brought the kingdom to become known throughout the world. Through him, the empire saw success and rose to power. Although Khan himself was illiterate, he ordered and introduced a writing system, which still kept on and remained in modern Mongolia up until the twentieth century. Furthermore, Genghis Khan also brought in the thought and initiative of religious tolerance all over the empire.

The fifth leader of the Mongol Empire and the grandson of Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan, continued to build on and develop the empire’s success. During his reign, he was also able to accomplish a lot of things such as building and erecting cities and the use and operation of newly invented technologies for his subject’s benefits. In addition, during the time of his rule, China’s first ever united currency made with paper bills which had expiration date was made and invented. This played a big role in strengthening the unification of the Mongol Empire.

Lasting for about a hundred and sixty two years, with its great success not only in terms of territory and also in managing the empire, the Mongol empire and its leaders left a great imprint that is still evident and apparent up until now to this day. Works Cited"Mongol Empire." Wikipedia. Wikimedia, Inc., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2011. May, Timothy. "The Mongol Empire in World History."World History Connected. University of Illinois, n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2011. 

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