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Science in my life - Essay Example

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I believe cell phones have brought a great amount of usefulness in my life. I can communicate while I commute, coordinate upon my activities and basically live my life on the go. This all is made possible by having a…
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Science in my life
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Science in My Life The role of science in my life has ascended without a doubt. I believe cell phones have brought a great amount of usefulness in mylife. I can communicate while I commute, coordinate upon my activities and basically live my life on the go. This all is made possible by having a cell phone, which is a miracle of science nonetheless (Advantages of Using Cell Phones 2009). The usage of cell phone has made my work routines easier to manage as now I can talk to my family and friends whenever I need to.

Moreover I can send them text messages and go on the Internet to browse websites and chat as and when I wish to. This is indeed a great blessing that science has bestowed upon my life in particular. I like to remain in touch with people and without a doubt the cell phone has greatly facilitated my work realms (Do You Know The Many Advantages Of A Cell Phone? 2010). It has assisted me in contacting the people I love to be with as well as those who are hardly in any form of physical contact with me.

The aspect of being out of touch with a few people has also gone out as now I can call them or message them without even getting to be with them. I must say that science is indeed a blessing in one’s life as its advantages outweigh the drawbacks that come attached with any scientific invention (The Benefits of Cell Phones 2010). For me, the cell phones are the best possible products that I could ever dream of as it has revolutionized my world without a shadow of a doubt. Works CitedAuthor Unknown.

Do You Know The Many Advantages Of A Cell Phone? Found Online: 2010Author Unknown. The Benefits of Cell Phones. Found Online at: 2010Author Unknown. Advantages of Using Cell Phones. Found Online at: 12 March 2009

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